Home >Database >Mysql Tutorial >Detailed introduction to mysql stored procedures (code example)
This article brings you a detailed introduction (code example) about mysql stored procedures. It has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to you.
1. What is a stored procedure?
A collection of one or more MySQL statements saved for later use.
The concept of stored procedures is code encapsulation and reuse at the SQL language level of the database.
(Related recommendations: MySQL Tutorial)
2. Why use stored procedures
Encapsulate processing in easy-to-use units, simplifying complex operations
Prevent errors and ensure data consistency
Simplify the response to changes manage. (Modify the corresponding table name, column name, etc. to modify the code of the corresponding stored procedure. People who use it do not need to know the changes)
Improve performance
In general, it is simple, safe and high-performance
It is more complicated to write than SQL statements
Permission problem (may not have permission, generally use stored procedures, do not have permission to create stored procedures)
3. Create stored procedures
CREATE PROCEDURE productpricing() BEGIN SELECT Avg(prod_price) AS priceaverage FROM products; END
Note: Problems entered in the command line
mysql> delimiter // mysql> CREATE PROCEDURE productpricing() -> BEGIN -> SELECT Avg(prod_price) AS priceaverage -> FROM products; -> END //
The stored procedure is actually a function
CALL productpricing();
drop procedure productpricing; drop procedure if EXISTS productpricing;
Generally, the stored procedure does not display the results, but returns the results to the variable you specify
Variable (variable) A specific location in memory used to temporarily store data.
CREATE PROCEDURE productpricing( OUT p1 DECIMAL(8,2), OUT ph DECIMAL(8,2), OUT pa DECIMAL(8,2) ) BEGIN SELECT MIN(prod_price) INTO p1 FROM products; SELECT MAX(prod_price) INTO ph FROM products; SELECT avg(prod_price) INTO pa FROM products; END;
The keyword OUT indicates that the corresponding parameter is used to pass a value from the stored procedure (returned to the caller).
MySQL supports IN (passed to stored procedures),
OUT (passed from stored procedures, as used here)
INOUT (passed in and out of stored procedures) type parameters.
Variable name All MySQL variables must start with @.
Call stored procedure
call productpricing(@pricelow,@pricehign,@priceaverage);
SELECT @priceaverage;
SELECT @priceaverage,@pricehign,@pricelow;
Use in and out
CREATE PROCEDURE ordertotal( IN onumber INT, OUT ototal DECIMAL(8,2) ) BEGIN SELECT sum(item_price*quantity) FROM orderitems WHERE order_num = onumber INTO ototal; END;
call ordertotal(20005,@total);
select @total;
All stored procedures used so far are basically encapsulated MySQL simple SELECT statements. Although they are all valid examples of stored procedures, they can do what you can directly use these encapsulated statements (if they can bring anything more, it is to make things more complicated). The power of stored procedures truly becomes apparent only when they include business rules and intelligent processing within them.
考虑这个场景。你需要获得与以前一样的订单合计,但需要对合计增加营业税,不过只针对某些顾客(或许是你所在州中那些顾客)。那么,你需要做下面几件事情: 1、获得合计(和以前一样) 2、把营业税有条件的添加到合计 3、返回合计(带或不带税的)
We enter the following code:
-- Name: ordertotal // 添加注释 -- Parameters: onumber = order number -- taxable = 0 if not taxable, 1 if taxtable -- ototal = order total variable CREATE PROCEDURE ordertotal ( IN onumber INT, IN taxable BOOLEAN, OUT ototal DECIMAL(8,2) ) COMMENT 'Obtain order total, optionally adding tax' BEGIN -- Declare variable for total DECLARE total DECIMAL(8,2); // 声明变量 -- Declare tax percentage DECLARE taxrate INT DEFAULT 6; -- Get the order total SELECT Sum(item_price*quantity) FROM orderitems WHERE order_num = onumber INTO total; -- Is this taxable? IF taxable THEN -- yes,so add taxrate to the total SELECT total+(total/100*taxrate) INTO total; END IF; -- And finally, save to out variable SELECT total INTO ototal; END;
此存储过程有很大的变动。首先,增加了注释(前面放置 --)。在存储过程复杂性增加时,这样做特别重要。 添加了另外一个参数 taxable,它是一个布尔值(如果要增加税则为真,否则为假)。 在存储过程体中,用 DECLARE语句定义了两个局部变量。 DECLARE要求指定变量名和数据类型, 它也支持可选的默认值(这个例子中的 taxrate的默认被设置为 6%)。SELECT 语句变,因此其结果存储到 total(局部变量)而不是 ototal。 IF 语句检查taxable是否为真,如果为真,则用另一SELECT语句增加营业税到局部变量 total。 最后,用另一SELECT语句将total(它增加或许不增加营业税)保存到 ototal。 注意:COMMENT关键字 ,本例子中的存储过程在 CREATE PROCEDURE语句中包含了一个 COMMENT值。 它不是必需的,但如果给出,将在SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS的结果中显示。 这显然是一个更高级,功能更强的存储过程。为试验它,请用以下两条语句: 第一条:
call ordertotal(20005, 0, @total); SELECT @total;
+--------+ | @total | +--------+ | 38.47 | +--------+
call ordertotal(20009, 1,@total); SELECT @total;
+--------+ | @total | +--------+ | 36.21 | +--------+
BOOLEAN值指定为1 表示真,指定为 0表示假(实际上,非零值都考虑为真,只有 0被视为假)。通过给中间的参数指定 0或1 ,可以有条件地将营业税加到订单合计上。
This example gives the basic usage of MySQL's IF statement. The IF statement also supports ELSEIF and ELSE clauses (the former also uses the THEN clause, the latter does not). We will see other uses of IF (and other flow control statements) in future chapters.
To display the CREATE statement used to create a stored procedure
show create PROCEDURE ordertotal;
To obtain detailed information about the stored procedure including when and by whom it was created. List
show procedure status;
There are many tables, use like to filter
show procedure status like 'ordertotal';
The above is the detailed content of Detailed introduction to mysql stored procedures (code example). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!