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How to implement native zip testing in php (pure code)

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2018-08-03 11:19:53 1483browse

This article introduces you to the article about how to implement native zip testing (pure code) in PHP. It has a good reference value and I hope it can help friends in need.

//简单测试1 public function zipTest(){ $zip = new \ZipArchive(); $res = $zip->open('static/download/zip/test.zip',\ZipArchive::CREATE); if ($res === TRUE) { echo 'ok'; $zip->addFromString('test.txt', 'file content goes here'); //解压缩到test文件夹 //$zip->extractTo('test'); $zip->close(); } else { echo 'failed, code:' . $res; } } //处理类class FilePackUtil{ /** * 压缩成ZIP文件 * @param array $file 文件数组 * $file = array('E:/Resources/download.kekedj.com/mp3/XX/20180611/XXX/XXX.mp3', 'E:/Resources/download.kekedj.com/mp3/XX/20180611/XXX/XXX.mp3'); * @param $name 存放名字.zip * @param $output 存放路径 * @return bool|string */ public static function zip($file = array(), $name, $output) { if(empty($file)) { return "打包文件为空"; } if(empty($name)) { return "请选择输出文件名"; } if(empty($output)) { return "请选择输出目录"; } foreach ($file as $key => $value) { $file [$key] = iconv("UTF-8", "gb2312//IGNORE", $value); //中文名转换 } if (! is_dir ( $output )) { mkdir ( $output, 0777 ); } $filename = iconv("UTF-8", "gb2312//IGNORE", $output . $name); // 中文名转换 最终生成的文件名以及服务器保存的路径 if (!file_exists($filename)) { //重新生成文件 $zip = new ZipArchive (); //使用本类,linux需开启zlib,windows需取消php_zip.dll前的注释 if ($zip->open($filename, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== TRUE) { return '无法打开文件,或者文件创建失败。请检查路径、权限以及环境变量的配置'; } foreach ($file as $val) { if (file_exists($val)) { $fileInfoArr = self::pathInfo($val); $zip->addFromString($fileInfoArr ['basename'], file_get_contents($val)); //中文使用这个 } } $zip->close(); //关闭 } if (!file_exists($filename)) { return ("无法找到文件"); //即使创建,仍有可能失败。。。。 } return true; } public static function remove($file) { if(!$file) return false; $file = iconv("UTF-8", "gb2312//IGNORE", $file); // 中文名转换 @unlink($file); exec("rm -rf " . $file); return true; } /** * 读取文件信息 * @author ZhiyuanLi < 956889120@qq.com > * @param $filePath * @return array */ private function pathInfo($filePath) { $path_parts = array(); $path_parts ['dirname'] = rtrim(substr($filePath, 0, strrpos($filePath, '/')), "/") . "/"; $path_parts ['basename'] = ltrim(substr($filePath, strrpos($filePath, '/')), "/"); $path_parts ['extension'] = substr(strrchr($filePath, '.'), 1); $path_parts ['filename'] = ltrim(substr($path_parts ['basename'], 0, strrpos($path_parts ['basename'], '.')), "/"); return $path_parts; }

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