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As a programmer, why did Lei Jun reach the pinnacle of his life?

2018-07-20 16:35:193249browse

On the morning of July 9, Xiaomi, which has been in business for 8 years, was finally listed in Hong Kong with a valuation of US$54.3 billion. It ranked among the top three IPOs of global technology stocks in history. Lei Jun's worth also jumped to more than US$13.9 billion.

Before starting his own business, Lei Jun stayed at Kingsoft for 16 years. He gradually became the chairman of the board from a grassroots employee, and eventually led Kingsoft to successfully go public. This article was written on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the founding of Kingsoft. The author shared two qualities of Lei Jun: loyalty and diligence. It is recommended that you read and think carefully.

On the morning of July 9, Lei Jun delivered a speech at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, reviewing his entrepreneurial journey. Lei Jun said that we will work hard to make good products and repay the rice noodles from all over the world that support us. Work hard to do a good job as a company and repay Xiaomi's employees and investors. Xiaomi's launch is a new beginning.

This year marks the 40th anniversary of my country’s reform and opening up. During these 40 years, China has produced a number of outstanding companies and achieved many outstanding people. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Jinshan Company. Many companies established at the same time have died in battle, but what does Jinshan rely on to survive?

The 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, said in his inaugural address, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country."

In fact, Every employee who enters the company must ask himself this question, what can you do for the company.

Lei Jun contributed two things to Jinshan Company. With these two points, Lei Jun went from being a junior employee of Jinshan Company step by step, and finally became the chairman of Jinshan Company, reaching the pinnacle of power of Jinshan Company. These two keywords are: loyalty, hardworking.

As a programmer, why did Lei Jun reach the pinnacle of his life?


Loyalty is a person’s special pass for promotion in the company

Loyalty is a person’s special pass for promotion in the company Special pass, Lei Jun holds this special pass high and can travel unimpeded in the workplace.

On November 4, 1991, at a computer exhibition, Lei Jun met Qiu Bojun, the father of WPS. As a programmer, Lei Jun, Qiu Bojun was his idol.

So the next year, Qiu Bojun invited Lei Jun to join Kingsoft. Without saying a word, he followed Qiu Bojun and left Beijing for Zhuhai, becoming the sixth employee of Kingsoft.

And this following lasted for 16 years.

During these 16 years, no matter what difficulties Jinshan encountered, Lei Jun never gave up.

Lei Jun has successively served as the manager of the Beijing Development Department of Kingsoft Company, the deputy general manager of Zhuhai Company, and the general manager of Beijing Kingsoft Software Company. In 1998, 29-year-old Lei Jun became the general manager of Jinshan Company. In that year, the founders of China’s “BAT” were all losers. Ma Huateng joined a telecommunications company just after graduating from school, Robin Li was still studying in the United States, and Jack Ma founded Alibaba a year later.

Lei Jun has been the general manager of Kingsoft for ten years. During these ten years, Lei Jun has seen the careers of Ma Huateng, Jack Ma, and Robin Li prosper. Not only did the company go public, but the three of them also took turns to be the richest man


In fact, compared with Ma Huateng, Jack Ma, and Robin Li, Lei Jun can be said to have achieved success at a young age, but he was surpassed by the three. This is not a question of ability or opportunity, but a question of choice.

Between personal achievement and loyalty to Jinshan Company, Lei Jun chose "loyalty"


In the past ten years, Lei Jun has faced countless external temptations. Headhunters have offered sky-high prices, but Lei Jun remains unmoved. Some people use the following sentence to find excuses for disloyalty, "Men don't care about loyalty, loyalty is because the stakes for betrayal are too low; women don't care about decency, decency comes because they are not tempted enough." In fact, with this sentence, A person who uses words as an excuse must be a person who lacks determination and follows the crowd.

Anyone who can be lured by interests rather than driven by ideals will eventually be unable to achieve great things, and even if he can succeed, it will be difficult to win respect


Nowadays, some young people are deeply misled by this sentence: "If a person removes a living person, a tree will die." When things are not going well at work, they choose to change jobs. Some change jobs within a year or two, and some even change jobs every few months. This is actually the fundamental reason why it is difficult for a person to make great progress in the workplace. It's like you want to boil water in several pots at the same time. If the pot doesn't boil until it reaches 50 or 60 degrees, you go to another pot to boil it. It heats to 50 or 60 degrees, and then goes to another pot. Burn a pot so that it is difficult for you to bring the pot to boiling in the shortest time.

A person’s lifetime energy is fixed. If you spread your energy to different companies, it will be difficult for you to achieve great development in a company


Some people always feel that their talents are not recognized in the company, so they frequently change jobs. In fact, if you take a closer look at the people around you who frequently change jobs, most of them are mediocre and mediocre in the workplace.

More often than not, "loyalty" is more important than "ability".

Choose a company, choose a person to follow, and stick to it, even a drop of water can wear through a stone.



Comes from faith and dreamsSo, where does Lei Jun’s “loyalty” to Kingsoft come from?

"Loyalty" comes from faith and dreams

Qiu Bojun’s dream when he developed WPS was to

build the Chinese’s own software company

and become a listed company to compete with Microsoft Invasion. This is the dream of Jinshan people, and also Lei Jun’s dream of entering Jinshan to follow Qiu Bojun.
However, the ideal is very full and the reality is very skinny.

Lei Jun’s 16 years at Kingsoft have been full of challenges. Not long after Lei Jun entered Kingsoft, the battle between Kingsoft and Microsoft ended. Although WPS, Kingsoft's flagship product, lost, Microsoft did not win either. The winner was piracy.

Lei Jun was not discouraged and led Kingsoft to fight in anti-virus, gaming, e-commerce and other fields. During this period, four IPO attempts ended without success.

For the fifth time, relying on the outstanding performance of online games, it was successfully listed in Hong Kong in October 2007.

After the listing, Lei Jun felt that he had helped Kingsoft realize its staged dream, and he also felt that he had an explanation for everyone at Kingsoft. He instantly felt that his energy was exhausted and chose to leave Kingsoft to recuperate. .

As a programmer, why did Lei Jun reach the pinnacle of his life?


Okay A horse will never turn back to eat grass. An invitation was extended to Jobs to return. The Apple board of directors at the time didn't have high hopes, because they were the ones who drove Jobs out of the company and disgraced him. However, Jobs chose to return regardless of past grievances, thus achieving Apple's greatness and himself.

Without Lei Jun, Kingsoft’s life is getting harder and harder. In 2010, Kingsoft entered the darkest moment since its listing. Online games were severely affected by Tencent, Shanda, Giant, NetEase's siege, and the anti-virus software business suffered a devastating blow from 360 free anti-virus software. Kingsoft’s share price fell to around HK$4, almost below the issue price when it went public in 2007.

At this time, Qiu Bojun felt powerless. In Qiu Bojun's view, there was only one person who could save Jinshan Company, and that was Lei Jun, but Lei Jun would be willing to come back to help Jinshan, which was about to collapse. ? At this time, Lei Jun was already a famous investor. He invested in 17 companies, including Vancl Eslite, UCweb, Duowan.com, YY, Lakala, etc. Lei Jun held important positions on the boards of directors of many companies, and could It is said that there is no skill in being divided.

And more importantly, Lei Jun is planning the last major event in his life, establishing Xiaomi Company. At that time, Lei Jun had to make subtractions, and it was a wise choice not to accept Jinshan.

Moreover, Jinshan is on the verge of bankruptcy and is looking for a life-saving straw. If Lei Jun does not operate well this time, he will bear the infamy of destroying Jinshan and his reputation will be ruined in one day.

There is a Chinese proverb that goes, "A good horse never turns back to eat grass." At this time, Lei Jun's risk of eating grass is huge.

However, Lei Jun’s loyalty to Jinshan Company prevented him from leaving Jinshan alone, especially since Jinshan had so many brothers and sisters who had fought together.

In 2010, Lei Jun returned to Jinshan in a low-key manner.

After Lei Jun returned, he invited Zhang Hongjiang, the former dean of Microsoft Asia Engineering Academy, to serve as CEO, and Fu Sheng as vice president and CEO of Cheetah Mobile.

After Lei Jun built the team, he completed a reversal in the anti-virus, gaming and other business sectors. In particular, WPS office software took advantage of the general trend of the mobile Internet to successfully defeat Microsoft's Word office software. Lei Jun has spent nearly 20 years helping Jinshan realized the dream.

Lei Jun's "Don't abandon, don't give up" and

"If you win, toast to celebrate, if you lose, fight to save each other" are the most perfect interpretation of "loyalty". 2018 is the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Jinshan Company. It is precisely because of Lei Jun's "loyalty" that Jinshan's 30th anniversary celebration is glorious.


Diligence is the most important thing in the world

The stupidest but also the wisest trick

Diligence is not only a virtue, but also a nuclear weapon that a person can use to win every battle in the workplace.

Most people who know Lei Jun say that there is only one way for Lei Jun to die in the future, and that is to die of exhaustion.

Lei Jun did not have a family or a girlfriend when he first joined Kingsoft. Therefore, except for the necessary time for eating and sleeping, he spent almost all his time programming and coding.

Later, after entering the management team, Lei Jun’s requirement for himself was a “6×24 hours” work system. In fact, Lei Jun was still working during the only day off.

After became the CEO of Kingsoft, Lei Jun’s working hours even changed to 5 2 and white and black .

Lei Jun is a human being, not a god. Being a human being will lead to fatigue, but why is Lei Jun never tired and always full of energy?

A person’s energy depends on the firmness of his inner beliefs. Lei Jun is tireless because he has a clear goal in his heart and a firm belief that he must build Jinshan into a great company.

The reason why many people feel tired at work is because their body’s energy is leaking, and the reason for leaking is that they have no dreams and are not interested in the work they do. Work is nothing more than coping, and they are not interested in the company. There is no emotion at all.

No matter whether it is the country's affairs or the company's affairs, they are not as good as their own trivial things. They are worried about those insignificant things all day long.

Athletes can perform extremely well on the competition field because they have the dream of winning glory for their country and the desire for gold medals. Zhuge Liang was able to "dedicate himself to death" because he had a dream of reviving the Han Dynasty to repay Liu Bei's kindness.

A person who can work tirelessly and without complaints for a company is also because he is grateful to the company and its founder.

Dreams and goals will fill you with energy and tirelessness. In fact, a few years later, when you look back on your career, what moves you and remembers it is precisely the years when you worked hard regardless of everything.

Lei Jun became Kingsoft because of this, Yang Yuanqing became Lenovo because of it. Yu Chengdong, the general manager of Huawei’s mobile phone business, led the team to surpass Samsung mobile phones and is now catching up with Apple, and the gap is getting smaller and smaller. At a forum, he shouted to Ren Zhengfei from a distance: "We are not doing well enough, we can do better!" When he shouted this, Yu Chengdong had tears in his eyes.

Lei Jun, Yang Yuanqing, and Yu Chengdong all have one thing in common. They are not from wealthy families. They have been working in their respective companies for more than ten years. They are loyal and hard-working.

Lei Jun was born in a county in Hubei Province called Mianyang County (later changed to Xiantao City). The word "Miou" is pronounced (miǎn). This somewhat uncommon word also seems to It proves that Lei Jun’s origin is not that prominent. However, Lei Jun’s success has proved to us a universal truth:

If you are not born into a wealthy family, your only chance to achieve a career in the workplace is to choose loyalty and diligence. .

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