Home > Article > Web Front-end > How to implement topology diagram with D3.js
This article mainly introduces how to use D3.js to implement topology diagrams. It has certain reference value. Now I share it with everyone. Friends in need can refer to it.
Recently writing projects require drawing applications. It takes some time to write the network topology diagram of the program call chain by yourself. The first thing that comes to mind is echarts, but the custom writing method of echarts is very troublesome to write, and its documents are all based on configuration instructions. For custom development It was not very convenient, so I gave up after trying it and switched to D3.js, which is completely under my control.
Let’s take a look at the effect first
I will share the code for reference by students who are new to D3 like me. If you find something wrong, please feel free to comment. Correction!
Complete code:
nbsp;html> <meta> <title>Title</title> <script> </script> <style> body{ overflow: hidden; } #togo{ width: 800px; height:500px; border:1px solid #ccc; user-select: none; } #togo text{ font-size:10px;/*和js里保持一致*/ fill:#1A2C3F; text-anchor: middle; } #togo .node-other{ text-anchor: start; } #togo .health1{ stroke:#92E1A2; } #togo .health2{ stroke:orange; } #togo .health3{ stroke:red; } #togo #cloud,#togo #database{ fill:#ccc; } #togo .link{ stroke:#E4E8ED; } #togo .node-title{ font-size: 14px; } #togo .node-code circle{ fill:#3F86F5; } #togo .node-code text{ fill:#fff; } #togo .node-bg{ fill:#fff; } #togo .arrow{ fill:#E4E8ED; } </style> <script></script> <svg> </svg> <script></script> <script> </script> <script> let t=new Togo('#togo',__options); t.render(); </script>
const fontSize = 10; const symbolSize = 40; const padding = 10; /* * 调用 new Togo(svg,option).render(); * */ class Togo { /**/ constructor(svg, option) { this.data = option.data; this.edges = option.edges; this.svg = d3.select(svg); } //主渲染方法 render() { this.scale = 1; this.width = this.svg.attr('width'); this.height = this.svg.attr('height'); this.container = this.svg.append('g') .attr('transform', 'scale(' + this.scale + ')'); this.initPosition(); this.initDefineSymbol(); this.initLink(); this.initNode(); this.initZoom(); } //初始化节点位置 initPosition() { let origin = [this.width / 2, this.height / 2]; let points = this.getVertices(origin, Math.min(this.width, this.height) * 0.3, this.data.length); this.data.forEach((item, i) => { item.x = points[i].x; item.y = points[i].y; }) } //根据多边形获取定位点 getVertices(origin, r, n) { if (typeof n !== 'number') return; var ox = origin[0]; var oy = origin[1]; var angle = 360 / n; var i = 0; var points = []; var tempAngle = 0; while (i 'marker-' + i) .attr('markerUnits', 'userSpaceOnUse') .attr('viewBox', '0 -5 10 10') .attr('refX', symbolSize / 2 + padding) .attr('refY', 0) .attr('markerWidth', 14) .attr('markerHeight', 14) .attr('orient', 'auto') .attr('stroke-width', 2) .append('svg:path') .attr('d', 'M2,0 L0,-3 L9,0 L0,3 M2,0 L0,-3') .attr('class','arrow') //数据库 let database =defs.append('g') .attr('id','database') .attr('transform','scale(0.042)'); database.append('path') .attr('d','M512 800c-247.42 0-448-71.63-448-160v160c0 88.37 200.58 160 448 160s448-71.63 448-160V640c0 88.37-200.58 160-448 160z') database.append('path') .attr('d','M512 608c-247.42 0-448-71.63-448-160v160c0 88.37 200.58 160 448 160s448-71.63 448-160V448c0 88.37-200.58 160-448 160z') ; database.append('path') .attr('d','M512 416c-247.42 0-448-71.63-448-160v160c0 88.37 200.58 160 448 160s448-71.63 448-160V256c0 88.37-200.58 160-448 160z') ; database.append('path') .attr('d','M64 224a448 160 0 1 0 896 0 448 160 0 1 0-896 0Z'); //云 let cloud=defs.append('g') .attr('id','cloud') .attr('transform','scale(0.042)') .append('path') .attr('d','M709.3 285.8C668.3 202.7 583 145.4 484 145.4c-132.6 0-241 102.8-250.4 233-97.5 27.8-168.5 113-168.5 213.8 0 118.9 98.8 216.6 223.4 223.4h418.9c138.7 0 251.3-118.8 251.3-265.3 0-141.2-110.3-256.2-249.4-264.5z') } //初始化链接线 initLink() { this.drawLinkLine(); this.drawLinkText(); } //初始化节点 initNode() { var self = this; //节点容器 this.nodes = this.container.selectAll(".node") .data(this.data) .enter() .append("g") .attr("transform", function (d) { return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")"; }) .call(d3.drag() .on("drag", function (d) { self.onDrag(this, d) }) ) .on('click', function () { alert() }) //节点背景默认覆盖层 this.nodes.append('circle') .attr('r', symbolSize / 2 + padding) .attr('class', 'node-bg'); //节点图标 this.drawNodeSymbol(); //节点标题 this.drawNodeTitle(); //节点其他说明 this.drawNodeOther(); this.drawNodeCode(); } //画节点语言标识 drawNodeCode() { this.nodeCodes = this.nodes.filter(item => item.type == 'app') .append('g') .attr('class','node-code') .attr('transform', 'translate(' + -symbolSize / 2 + ',' + symbolSize / 3 + ')') this.nodeCodes .append('circle') .attr('r', d => fontSize / 2 * d.code.length / 2 + 3) this.nodeCodes .append('text') .attr('dy', fontSize / 2) .text(item => item.code); } //画节点图标 drawNodeSymbol() { //绘制节点 this.nodes.filter(item=>item.type=='app') .append("circle") .attr("r", symbolSize / 2) .attr("fill", '#fff') .attr('class', function (d) { return 'health'+d.health; }) .attr('stroke-width', '5px') this.nodes.filter(item=>item.type=='database') .append('use') .attr('xlink:href','#database') .attr('x',function () { return -this.getBBox().width/2 }) .attr('y',function () { return -this.getBBox().height/2 }) this.nodes.filter(item=>item.type=='cloud') .append('use') .attr('xlink:href','#cloud') .attr('x',function () { return -this.getBBox().width/2 }) .attr('y',function () { return -this.getBBox().height/2 }) } //画节点右侧信息 drawNodeOther() { //如果是应用的时候 this.nodeOthers = this.nodes.filter(item => item.type == 'app') .append("text") .attr("x", symbolSize / 2 + padding) .attr("y", -5) .attr('class','node-other') this.nodeOthers.append('tspan') .text(d => d.time + 'ms'); this.nodeOthers.append('tspan') .text(d => d.rpm + 'rpm') .attr('x', symbolSize / 2 + padding) .attr('dy', '1em'); this.nodeOthers.append('tspan') .text(d => d.epm + 'epm') .attr('x', symbolSize / 2 + padding) .attr('dy', '1em') } //画节点标题 drawNodeTitle() { //节点标题 this.nodes.append("text") .attr('class','node-title') .text(function (d) { return d.name; }) .attr("dy", symbolSize) this.nodes.filter(item => item.type == 'app').append("text") .text(function (d) { return d.active + '/' + d.total; }) .attr('dy', fontSize / 2) .attr('class','node-call') } //画节点链接线 drawLinkLine() { let data = this.data; if (this.lineGroup) { this.lineGroup.selectAll('.link') .attr( 'd', link => genLinkPath(link), ) } else { this.lineGroup = this.container.append('g') this.lineGroup.selectAll('.link') .data(this.edges) .enter() .append('path') .attr('class', 'link') .attr( 'marker-end', (link, i) => 'url(#' + 'marker-' + i + ')' ).attr( 'd', link => genLinkPath(link), ).attr( 'id', (link, i) => 'link-' + i ) .on('click', () => { alert() }) } function genLinkPath(d) { let sx = data[d.source].x; let tx = data[d.target].x; let sy = data[d.source].y; let ty = data[d.target].y; return 'M' + sx + ',' + sy + ' L' + tx + ',' + ty; } } drawLinkText() { let data = this.data; let self = this; if (this.lineTextGroup) { this.lineTexts .attr('transform', getTransform) } else { this.lineTextGroup = this.container.append('g') this.lineTexts = this.lineTextGroup .selectAll('.linetext') .data(this.edges) .enter() .append('text') .attr('dy', -2) .attr('transform', getTransform) .on('click', () => { alert() }) this.lineTexts .append('tspan') .text((d, i) => this.data[d.source].lineTime + 'ms,' + this.data[d.source].lineRpm + 'rpm'); this.lineTexts .append('tspan') .text((d, i) => this.data[d.source].lineProtocol) .attr('dy', '1em') .attr('dx', function () { return -this.getBBox().width / 2 }) } function getTransform(link) { let s = data[link.source]; let t = data[link.target]; let p = self.getCenter(s.x, s.y, t.x, t.y); let angle = self.getAngle(s.x, s.y, t.x, t.y); if (s.x > t.x && s.y t.y) { angle = -angle } return 'translate(' + p[0] + ',' + p[1] + ') rotate(' + angle + ')' } } update(d) { this.drawLinkLine(); this.drawLinkText(); } //拖拽方法 onDrag(ele, d) { d.x = d3.event.x; d.y = d3.event.y; d3.select(ele) .attr('transform', "translate(" + d3.event.x + "," + d3.event.y + ")") this.update(d); } //缩放方法 onZoom(ele) { var transform = d3.zoomTransform(ele); this.scale = transform.k; this.container.attr('transform', "translate(" + transform.x + "," + transform.y + ")scale(" + transform.k + ")") } }
let __options={ data:[{ type:'app', name: 'monitor-web-server', time: 30, rpm: 40, epm: 50, active: 3, total: 5, code: 'java', health: 1, lineProtocol: 'http', lineTime: 12, lineRpm: 34, }, { type:'database', name: 'Mysql', time: 30, rpm: 40, epm: 50, active: 3, total: 5, code: 'java', health: 2, lineProtocol: 'http', lineTime: 12, lineRpm: 34, }, { type:'app', name: 'Redis', time: 30, rpm: 40, epm: 50, active: 3, total: 5, code: 'java', health: 3, lineProtocol: 'http', lineTime: 12, lineRpm: 34, }, { type:'cloud', name: 'ES', time: 30, rpm: 40, epm: 50, active: 3, total: 5, code: 'java', health: 1, lineProtocol: 'http', lineTime: 12, lineRpm: 34, value: 100 } ], edges: [ { source: 0, target: 3, }, { source: 1, target: 2, } , { source: 1, target: 3, }, { source: 0, target: 1, }, { source: 0, target: 2, } // { // source: 3, // target: 2, // }, ] }
The above is the entire content of this article, I hope It will be helpful for everyone’s learning. For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!
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The above is the detailed content of How to implement topology diagram with D3.js. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!