Home>Article>Backend Development> Code analysis on generating ICO icons using PHP based on the yii framework
This article shares with you two codes for generating ICO icons in PHP. The first one is based on the YII framework, and the second one is written in pure PHP. They are both very good. Friends in need can refer to it
1, phpthumb_ico is the class that generates ICO icons, the source code is as follows
class phpthumb_ico { function phpthumb_ico() { return true; } function GD2ICOstring(&$gd_image_array) { foreach ($gd_image_array as $key => $gd_image) { $ImageWidths[$key] = ImageSX($gd_image); $ImageHeights[$key] = ImageSY($gd_image); $bpp[$key] = ImageIsTrueColor($gd_image) ? 32 : 24; $totalcolors[$key] = ImageColorsTotal($gd_image); $icXOR[$key] = ''; for ($y = $ImageHeights[$key] - 1; $y >= 0; $y--) { for ($x = 0; $x < $ImageWidths[$key]; $x++) { $argb = $this->GetPixelColor($gd_image, $x, $y); $a = round(255 * ((127 - $argb['alpha']) / 127)); $r = $argb['red']; $g = $argb['green']; $b = $argb['blue']; if ($bpp[$key] == 32) { $icXOR[$key] .= chr($b).chr($g).chr($r).chr($a); } elseif ($bpp[$key] == 24) { $icXOR[$key] .= chr($b).chr($g).chr($r); } if ($a < 128) { @$icANDmask[$key][$y] .= '1'; } else { @$icANDmask[$key][$y] .= '0'; } } // mask bits are 32-bit aligned per scanline while (strlen($icANDmask[$key][$y]) % 32) { $icANDmask[$key][$y] .= '0'; } } $icAND[$key] = ''; foreach ($icANDmask[$key] as $y => $scanlinemaskbits) { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($scanlinemaskbits); $i += 8) { $icAND[$key] .= chr(bindec(str_pad(substr($scanlinemaskbits, $i, 8), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT))); } } } foreach ($gd_image_array as $key => $gd_image) { $biSizeImage = $ImageWidths[$key] * $ImageHeights[$key] * ($bpp[$key] / 8); // BITMAPINFOHEADER - 40 bytes $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] = ''; $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "\x28\x00\x00\x00"; // DWORD biSize; $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= $this->LittleEndian2String($ImageWidths[$key], 4); // LONG biWidth; // The biHeight member specifies the combined // height of the XOR and AND masks. $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= $this->LittleEndian2String($ImageHeights[$key] * 2, 4); // LONG biHeight; $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "\x01\x00"; // WORD biPlanes; $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= chr($bpp[$key])."\x00"; // wBitCount; $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "\x00\x00\x00\x00"; // DWORD biCompression; $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= $this->LittleEndian2String($biSizeImage, 4); // DWORD biSizeImage; $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "\x00\x00\x00\x00"; // LONG biXPelsPerMeter; $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "\x00\x00\x00\x00"; // LONG biYPelsPerMeter; $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "\x00\x00\x00\x00"; // DWORD biClrUsed; $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "\x00\x00\x00\x00"; // DWORD biClrImportant; } $icondata = "\x00\x00"; // idReserved; // Reserved (must be 0) $icondata .= "\x01\x00"; // idType; // Resource Type (1 for icons) $icondata .= $this->LittleEndian2String(count($gd_image_array), 2); // idCount; // How many images? $dwImageOffset = 6 + (count($gd_image_array) * 16); foreach ($gd_image_array as $key => $gd_image) { // ICONDIRENTRY idEntries[1]; // An entry for each image (idCount of 'em) $icondata .= chr($ImageWidths[$key]); // bWidth; // Width, in pixels, of the image $icondata .= chr($ImageHeights[$key]); // bHeight; // Height, in pixels, of the image $icondata .= chr($totalcolors[$key]); // bColorCount; // Number of colors in image (0 if >=8bpp) $icondata .= "\x00"; // bReserved; // Reserved ( must be 0) $icondata .= "\x01\x00"; // wPlanes; // Color Planes $icondata .= chr($bpp[$key])."\x00"; // wBitCount; // Bits per pixel $dwBytesInRes = 40 + strlen($icXOR[$key]) + strlen($icAND[$key]); $icondata .= $this->LittleEndian2String($dwBytesInRes, 4); // dwBytesInRes; // How many bytes in this resource? $icondata .= $this->LittleEndian2String($dwImageOffset, 4); // dwImageOffset; // Where in the file is this image? $dwImageOffset += strlen($BitmapInfoHeader[$key]); $dwImageOffset += strlen($icXOR[$key]); $dwImageOffset += strlen($icAND[$key]); } foreach ($gd_image_array as $key => $gd_image) { $icondata .= $BitmapInfoHeader[$key]; $icondata .= $icXOR[$key]; $icondata .= $icAND[$key]; } return $icondata; } function LittleEndian2String($number, $minbytes=1) { $intstring = ''; while ($number > 0) { $intstring = $intstring.chr($number & 255); $number >>= 8; } return str_pad($intstring, $minbytes, "\x00", STR_PAD_RIGHT); } function GetPixelColor(&$img, $x, $y) { if (!is_resource($img)) { return false; } return @ImageColorsForIndex($img, @ImageColorAt($img, $x, $y)); } }
2, background
Introduction class:
Yii::$enableIncludePath = false; Yii::import ( 'application.extensions.ico.phpthumb_ico', 1 );
Solve the problem of generating black background
imagealphablending($resize_im, false);//Do not merge colors, directly replace with $im image color, Include transparent color
imagesavealpha($resize_im, true);//Don’t lose the transparent color of $resize_im image
Full method:
/** * icoMaker 在线生成ICO图标 * @author flashalliance */ public function actionIco() { $this->breadcrumbs=array_merge($this->breadcrumbs,array( 'ICO图标制作' )); $output = ""; $errors=array(); if(isset($_GET['action'])&&$_GET['action'] == 'make'){ if(isset($_FILES['upimage']['tmp_name']) && $_FILES['upimage']['tmp_name'] && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['upimage']['tmp_name'])){ if($_FILES['upimage']['size']>204800){ $errors[]="你上传的文件过大,最大不能超过200K。"; } $fileext = array("image/pjpeg","image/jpeg","image/gif","image/x-png","image/png"); if(!in_array($_FILES['upimage']['type'],$fileext)){ $errors[]="你上传的文件格式不正确,仅支持 png, jpg, gif格式。"; } if($im = @imagecreatefrompng($_FILES['upimage']['tmp_name']) or $im = @imagecreatefromgif($_FILES['upimage']['tmp_name']) or $im = @imagecreatefromjpeg($_FILES['upimage']['tmp_name'])){ $imginfo = @getimagesize($_FILES['upimage']['tmp_name']); if(!is_array($imginfo)){ $errors[]="图像格式错误!"; } if(empty($errors)){ switch($_POST['size']){ case 1; $resize_im = @imagecreatetruecolor(16,16); $size = 16; break; case 2; $resize_im = @imagecreatetruecolor(32,32); $size = 32; break; case 3; $resize_im = @imagecreatetruecolor(48,48); $size = 48; break; default; $resize_im = @imagecreatetruecolor(32,32); $size = 32; break; } imagesavealpha($im, true); imagealphablending($resize_im, false);//不合并颜色,直接用$im图像颜色替换,包括透明色 imagesavealpha($resize_im, true);//不要丢了$resize_im图像的透明色,解决生成黑色背景的问题 imagecopyresampled($resize_im,$im,0,0,0,0,$size,$size,$imginfo[0],$imginfo[1]); Yii::$enableIncludePath = false; Yii::import ( 'application.extensions.ico.phpthumb_ico', 1 ); $icon = new phpthumb_ico(); $gd_image_array = array($resize_im); $icon_data = $icon->GD2ICOstring($gd_image_array); $bas_path=dirname ( Yii::app ()->BasePath ); $bas_new_path=$bas_path.'/upload/ico/'; if(!is_dir($bas_new_path)){ mkdir($bas_new_path, 0777, true); } $filePath=$bas_new_path. date("Ymdhis").uniqid(). rand(1,1000) . ".ico"; if(file_put_contents($filePath, $icon_data)){ $output = str_replace($bas_path,'',$filePath); } } }else{ $errors[]="生成错误请重试!"; } } } $this->render ( 'ico',array('output'=>$output,'errors'=>$errors)); }
3. The front desk
beginWidget ( 'CActiveForm', array ( 'id' => 'ico-form', 'htmlOptions' => array ( 'id' => 'view_table', 'class' => 'add-form padding-10', 'enctype'=>'multipart/form-data' ), 'action'=>'/tool/ico?action=make', 'enableAjaxValidation' => false ) ); ?>
endWidget(); ?>
beginWidget ( 'CActiveForm', array ( 'id' => 'ico-form', 'htmlOptions' => array ( 'id' => 'view_table', 'class' => 'add-form padding-10', ), 'action'=>'/tool/icoDownload', 'enableAjaxValidation' => false ) ); ?>
endWidget(); ?>
will share with you an independent class
// // available at http://phpthumb.sourceforge.net /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// // // phpthumb.ico.php - .ICO output format functions // // /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class phpthumb_ico { function phpthumb_ico() { return true; } function GD2ICOstring(&$gd_image_array) { foreach ($gd_image_array as $key => $gd_image) { $ImageWidths[$key] = ImageSX($gd_image); $ImageHeights[$key] = ImageSY($gd_image); $bpp[$key] = ImageIsTrueColor($gd_image) ? 32 : 24; $totalcolors[$key] = ImageColorsTotal($gd_image); $icXOR[$key] = ''; for ($y = $ImageHeights[$key] - 1; $y >= 0; $y--) { for ($x = 0; $x < $ImageWidths[$key]; $x++) { $argb = $this->GetPixelColor($gd_image, $x, $y); $a = round(255 * ((127 - $argb['alpha']) / 127)); $r = $argb['red']; $g = $argb['green']; $b = $argb['blue']; if ($bpp[$key] == 32) { $icXOR[$key] .= chr($b).chr($g).chr($r).chr($a); } elseif ($bpp[$key] == 24) { $icXOR[$key] .= chr($b).chr($g).chr($r); } if ($a < 128) { @$icANDmask[$key][$y] .= '1'; } else { @$icANDmask[$key][$y] .= '0'; } } // mask bits are 32-bit aligned per scanline while (strlen($icANDmask[$key][$y]) % 32) { $icANDmask[$key][$y] .= '0'; } } $icAND[$key] = ''; foreach ($icANDmask[$key] as $y => $scanlinemaskbits) { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($scanlinemaskbits); $i += 8) { $icAND[$key] .= chr(bindec(str_pad(substr($scanlinemaskbits, $i, 8), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT))); } } } foreach ($gd_image_array as $key => $gd_image) { $biSizeImage = $ImageWidths[$key] * $ImageHeights[$key] * ($bpp[$key] / 8); // BITMAPINFOHEADER - 40 bytes $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] = ''; $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "/x28/x00/x00/x00"; // DWORD biSize; $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= $this->LittleEndian2String($ImageWidths[$key], 4); // LONG biWidth; // The biHeight member specifies the combined // height of the XOR and AND masks. $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= $this->LittleEndian2String($ImageHeights[$key] * 2, 4); // LONG biHeight; $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "/x01/x00"; // WORD biPlanes; $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= chr($bpp[$key])."/x00"; // wBitCount; $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "/x00/x00/x00/x00"; // DWORD biCompression; $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= $this->LittleEndian2String($biSizeImage, 4); // DWORD biSizeImage; $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "/x00/x00/x00/x00"; // LONG biXPelsPerMeter; $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "/x00/x00/x00/x00"; // LONG biYPelsPerMeter; $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "/x00/x00/x00/x00"; // DWORD biClrUsed; $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "/x00/x00/x00/x00"; // DWORD biClrImportant; } $icondata = "/x00/x00"; // idReserved; // Reserved (must be 0) $icondata .= "/x01/x00"; // idType; // Resource Type (1 for icons) $icondata .= $this->LittleEndian2String(count($gd_image_array), 2); // idCount; // How many images? $dwImageOffset = 6 + (count($gd_image_array) * 16); foreach ($gd_image_array as $key => $gd_image) { // ICONDIRENTRY idEntries[1]; // An entry for each image (idCount of 'em) $icondata .= chr($ImageWidths[$key]); // bWidth; // Width, in pixels, of the image $icondata .= chr($ImageHeights[$key]); // bHeight; // Height, in pixels, of the image $icondata .= chr($totalcolors[$key]); // bColorCount; // Number of colors in image (0 if >=8bpp) $icondata .= "/x00"; // bReserved; // Reserved ( must be 0) $icondata .= "/x01/x00"; // wPlanes; // Color Planes $icondata .= chr($bpp[$key])."/x00"; // wBitCount; // Bits per pixel $dwBytesInRes = 40 + strlen($icXOR[$key]) + strlen($icAND[$key]); $icondata .= $this->LittleEndian2String($dwBytesInRes, 4); // dwBytesInRes; // How many bytes in this resource? $icondata .= $this->LittleEndian2String($dwImageOffset, 4); // dwImageOffset; // Where in the file is this image? $dwImageOffset += strlen($BitmapInfoHeader[$key]); $dwImageOffset += strlen($icXOR[$key]); $dwImageOffset += strlen($icAND[$key]); } foreach ($gd_image_array as $key => $gd_image) { $icondata .= $BitmapInfoHeader[$key]; $icondata .= $icXOR[$key]; $icondata .= $icAND[$key]; } return $icondata; } function LittleEndian2String($number, $minbytes=1) { $intstring = ''; while ($number > 0) { $intstring = $intstring.chr($number & 255); $number >>= 8; } return str_pad($intstring, $minbytes, "/x00", STR_PAD_RIGHT); } function GetPixelColor(&$img, $x, $y) { if (!is_resource($img)) { return false; } return @ImageColorsForIndex($img, @ImageColorAt($img, $x, $y)); } } ?>
ico图标 210000){ echo "你上传的文件体积超过了限制 最大不能超过200K"; exit(); } $fileext = array("image/pjpeg","image/gif","image/x-png","image/png","image/jpeg","image/jpg"); if(!in_array($_FILES['upimage']['type'],$fileext)){ echo "你上传的文件格式不正确 仅支持 jpg,gif,png"; exit(); } if($im = @imagecreatefrompng($_FILES['upimage']['tmp_name']) or $im = @imagecreatefromgif($_FILES['upimage']['tmp_name']) or $im = @imagecreatefromjpeg($_FILES['upimage']['tmp_name'])){ $imginfo = @getimagesize($_FILES['upimage']['tmp_name']); if(!is_array($imginfo)){ echo "图形格式错误!"; } switch($_POST['size']){ case 1; $resize_im = @imagecreatetruecolor(16,16); $size = 16; break; case 2; $resize_im = @imagecreatetruecolor(32,32); $size = 32; break; case 3; $resize_im = @imagecreatetruecolor(48,48); $size = 48; break; default; $resize_im = @imagecreatetruecolor(32,32); $size = 32; break; } imagecopyresampled($resize_im,$im,0,0,0,0,$size,$size,$imginfo[0],$imginfo[1]); include "phpthumb.ico.php"; $icon = new phpthumb_ico(); $gd_image_array = array($resize_im); $icon_data = $icon->GD2ICOstring($gd_image_array); $filename = "temp/".date("Ymdhis").rand(1,1000).".ico"; if(file_put_contents($filename, $icon_data)){ $output = "生成成功!请点右键->另存为 保存到本地
点击下载"; } }else{ echo "生成错误请重试!"; } } } ?>
The above is the entire content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to everyone’s study. More Please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website for related content!
Related recommendations:
About analysis of sphinx index configuration in Yii framework
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The above is the detailed content of Code analysis on generating ICO icons using PHP based on the yii framework. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!