Home>Article>Backend Development> Analysis of ideas for implementing multi-image upload with PHP and uploadify plug-in
This article mainly introduces the method of implementing multi-image upload in PHP. It analyzes the specific steps and related operating techniques of PHP combined with the uploadify plug-in to achieve multi-image upload. Friends in need can refer to it.
The details are as follows :
1. Existing pictures can be deleted
2.There is a new button
3.Click New Add a button to jump out of the frame
4. Implement asynchronous uploading of pictures in the frame and real-time effects
5. After the upload is successful, call the callback function
6. The pictures in the pop-up box can be deleted
7. Click Save in the frame pop-up box to display the image to the page through js
8. Click Save on the page to save the image data to the database
Comment: When clicked, the GetUploadify method is called.
/* * 上传图片 后台专用 * @access public * @null int 一次上传图片张图 * @elementid string 上传成功后返回路径插入指定ID元素内 * @path string 指定上传保存文件夹,默认存在Public/upload/temp/目录 * @callback string 回调函数(单张图片返回保存路径字符串,多张则为路径数组 ) */ function GetUploadify(num,elementid,path,callback) { var pc_hash = $('#pc_hash').val(); var upurl ='?m=admin&c=upload&a=upload&num='+num+'&input='+elementid+'&path='+path+'&func='+callback+'&pc_hash='+pc_hash; var iframe_str=''; $("body").append(iframe_str); $("iframe.uploadframe").css("height",$(document).height()).css("width","100%").css("position","absolute").css("left","0px").css("top","0px").css("z-index","999999").show(); $(window).resize(function(){ $("iframe.uploadframe").css("height",$(document).height()).show(); }); }
Comments: Generate an iframe box.
public function upload(){ $func = $_REQUEST['func']; $path = $_REQUEST['path'] ? $_REQUEST['path'] :'temp'; $info = array( 'num'=> $_REQUEST['num'], 'title' => '', 'upload' =>'?m=admin&c=upload&a=imageUp&savepath='.$path.'&pictitle=banner&dir=images&pc_hash='.$_SESSION['pc_hash'], 'size' => '4M', 'type' =>'jpg,png,gif,jpeg', 'input' => $_REQUEST['input'], 'func' => empty($func) ? 'undefined' : $func, ); include $this->admin_tpl('upload_upload'); }
Comments: Call the uploadify plugin
$(function() { $('#uploadify').uploadify({ 'auto' : true, 'method' : 'post', 'multi' : true, 'swf' : 'uploadify/uploadify.swf', 'uploader' : '', 'progressData' : 'all', 'queueSizeLimit' : '', 'uploadLimit' : 5, 'fileSizeLimit' : '20000KB', 'fileTypeDesc' : 'Image Files', 'fileTypeExts' : '*.jpeg; *.jpg; *.png; *.gif', 'buttonImage' : 'uploadify/select.png', 'queueID' : 'fileQueue', 'onUploadStart' : function(file){ $('#uploadify').uploadify('settings', 'formData', {'iswatermark':$("#iswatermark").is(':checked')}); }, 'onUploadSuccess' : function(file, data, response){ $(".fileWarp ul").append(SetImgContent(data)); SetUploadFile(); } }); });
Comment: The form submits the image file to the server, and calls the callback function after success.
/** * @function imageUp */ public function imageUp() { // 有文件传入,现在要做的就是把它保存起来 // 处理上传并返回数据 // 上传图片框中的描述表单名称, $title = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['pictitle'], ENT_QUOTES); // $path = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['dir'], ENT_QUOTES); $savepath = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['savepath'], ENT_QUOTES); $up = new think_upload(); $path = './uploadfile/'.$savepath; //设置属性(上传的位置, 大小, 类型, 名是是否要随机生成) $up -> set("path", $path); $up -> set("maxsize", 2000000); $up -> set("allowtype", array("gif", "png", "jpg","jpeg")); $up -> set("israndname", true); //使用对象中的upload方法, 就可以上传文件, 方法需要传一个上传表单的名子 pic, 如果成功返回true, 失败返回false if($up -> upload("Filedata")) { $name = $up->getFileName(); $return_data['url'] = $path.'/'.$name; $return_data['title'] = $title; $return_data['state'] = 'SUCCESS'; exit(json_encode($return_data)); } else { $return_data['state'] = 'FAILURE'; $return_data['msg'] = $up->getErrorMsg(); exit(json_encode($return_data)); } }
Comments: The background processes the image upload form request and returns the image path
setOption($key, $val); } return $this; } /** * 调用该方法上传文件 * @param string $fileFile 上传文件的表单名称 * @return bool 如果上传成功返回数true */ function upload($fileField) { $return = true; /* 检查文件路径是滞合法 */ if( !$this->checkFilePath() ) { $this->errorMess = $this->getError(); return false; } /* 将文件上传的信息取出赋给变量 */ $name = $_FILES[$fileField]['name']; $tmp_name = $_FILES[$fileField]['tmp_name']; $size = $_FILES[$fileField]['size']; $error = $_FILES[$fileField]['error']; /* 如果是多个文件上传则$file["name"]会是一个数组 */ if(is_Array($name)){ $errors=array(); /*多个文件上传则循环处理 , 这个循环只有检查上传文件的作用,并没有真正上传 */ for($i = 0; $i < count($name); $i++){ /*设置文件信息 */ if($this->setFiles($name[$i],$tmp_name[$i],$size[$i],$error[$i] )) { if(!$this->checkFileSize() || !$this->checkFileType()){ $errors[] = $this->getError(); $return=false; } }else{ $errors[] = $this->getError(); $return=false; } /* 如果有问题,则重新初使化属性 */ if(!$return) $this->setFiles(); } if($return){ /* 存放所有上传后文件名的变量数组 */ $fileNames = array(); /* 如果上传的多个文件都是合法的,则通过销魂循环向服务器上传文件 */ for($i = 0; $i < count($name); $i++){ if($this->setFiles($name[$i], $tmp_name[$i], $size[$i], $error[$i] )) { $this->setNewFileName(); if(!$this->copyFile()){ $errors[] = $this->getError(); $return = false; } $fileNames[] = $this->newFileName; } } $this->newFileName = $fileNames; } $this->errorMess = $errors; return $return; /*上传单个文件处理方法*/ } else { /* 设置文件信息 */ if($this->setFiles($name,$tmp_name,$size,$error)) { /* 上传之前先检查一下大小和类型 */ if($this->checkFileSize() && $this->checkFileType()){ /* 为上传文件设置新文件名 */ $this->setNewFileName(); /* 上传文件 返回0为成功, 小于0都为错误 */ if($this->copyFile()){ return true; }else{ $return=false; } }else{ $return=false; } } else { $return=false; } //如果$return为false, 则出错,将错误信息保存在属性errorMess中 if(!$return) $this->errorMess=$this->getError(); return $return; } } /** * 获取上传后的文件名称 * @param void 没有参数 * @return string 上传后,新文件的名称, 如果是多文件上传返回数组 */ public function getFileName(){ return $this->newFileName; } /** * 上传失败后,调用该方法则返回,上传出错信息 * @param void 没有参数 * @return string 返回上传文件出错的信息报告,如果是多文件上传返回数组 */ public function getErrorMsg(){ return $this->errorMess; } /* 设置上传出错信息 */ private function getError() { $str = "上传文件{$this->originName}时出错 : "; switch ($this->errorNum) { case 4: $str .= "没有文件被上传"; break; case 3: $str .= "文件只有部分被上传"; break; case 2: $str .= "上传文件的大小超过了HTML表单中MAX_FILE_SIZE选项指定的值"; break; case 1: $str .= "上传的文件超过了php.ini中upload_max_filesize选项限制的值"; break; case -1: $str .= "未允许类型"; break; case -2: $str .= "文件过大,上传的文件不能超过{$this->maxsize}个字节"; break; case -3: $str .= "上传失败"; break; case -4: $str .= "建立存放上传文件目录失败,请重新指定上传目录"; break; case -5: $str .= "必须指定上传文件的路径"; break; default: $str .= "未知错误"; } return $str.'
'; } /* 设置和$_FILES有关的内容 */ private function setFiles($name="", $tmp_name="", $size=0, $error=0) { $this->setOption('errorNum', $error); if($error) return false; $this->setOption('originName', $name); $this->setOption('tmpFileName',$tmp_name); $aryStr = explode(".", $name); $this->setOption('fileType', strtolower($aryStr[count($aryStr)-1])); $this->setOption('fileSize', $size); return true; } /* 为单个成员属性设置值 */ private function setOption($key, $val) { $this->$key = $val; } /* 设置上传后的文件名称 */ private function setNewFileName() { if ($this->israndname) { $this->setOption('newFileName', $this->proRandName()); } else{ $this->setOption('newFileName', $this->originName); } } /* 检查上传的文件是否是合法的类型 */ private function checkFileType() { if (in_array(strtolower($this->fileType), $this->allowtype)) { return true; }else { $this->setOption('errorNum', -1); return false; } } /* 检查上传的文件是否是允许的大小 */ private function checkFileSize() { if ($this->fileSize > $this->maxsize) { $this->setOption('errorNum', -2); return false; }else{ return true; } } /* 检查是否有存放上传文件的目录 */ private function checkFilePath() { if(empty($this->path)){ $this->setOption('errorNum', -5); return false; } if (!file_exists($this->path) || !is_writable($this->path)) { if (!@mkdir($this->path, 0755)) { $this->setOption('errorNum', -4); return false; } } return true; } /* 设置随机文件名 */ private function proRandName() { $fileName = date('YmdHis')."_".rand(100,999); return $fileName.'.'.$this->fileType; } /* 复制上传文件到指定的位置 */ private function copyFile() { if(!$this->errorNum) { $path = rtrim($this->path, '/').'/'; $path .= $this->newFileName; if (@move_uploaded_file($this->tmpFileName, $path)) { return true; }else{ $this->setOption('errorNum', -3); return false; } } else { return false; } } }
Comment: PHP file upload class.
Then process it, delete the image data and upload the corresponding files to reduce the pressure on the server space.
public function delete() { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $this->db->delete(array('id'=>$id)); // 遍历删除原图片 $product_img = $this->product_img_db->select(array('product_id'=>$id)); foreach ($product_img as $k => $v) { unlink($v['img']); } // 删除表数据 $this->product_img_db->delete(array('product_id'=>$id)); exit("1"); }
The above is the entire content of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study.
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The above is the detailed content of Analysis of ideas for implementing multi-image upload with PHP and uploadify plug-in. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!