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Python uses OpenCV for calibration

2018-05-08 16:17:223063browse

This article mainly introduces the use of OpenCV for calibration of Python. It has a certain reference value. Now I share it with you. Friends in need can refer to it.

This article combines the official OpenCV samples and provides an introduction to the official samples. Modify the code in the example so that it can run normally, and conduct experiments and explanations on the data you collected.

1. Preparation

OpenCV uses a checkerboard for calibration, as shown in the figure below. In order to calibrate the camera, we need to input a series of 3D points and their corresponding 2D image points. On a black and white checkerboard, two-dimensional image points are easily found through corner detection. What about three-dimensional points in the real world? During our collection, we placed the camera in one place, moved the checkerboard calibration plate to different positions, and then photographed it. So we need to know the value of (X,Y,Z). But to put it simply, we define the plane where the checkerboard is located as the XY plane, that is, Z=0. For the calibration board, we can know the square size of the checkerboard, such as 30mm, so we can define the corner point coordinates on the checkerboard as (0,0,0), (30,0,0), ( 60,0,0),..., the unit of this result is mm.

3D points are called object points, and 2D image points are called image points.

2. Detect checkerboard corner points

In order to find the checkerboard template, we use openCV The function cv2.findChessboardCorners(). We also need to tell the program what specifications the template we are using is, such as an 8*8 checkerboard or a 5*5 checkerboard. It is recommended to use a checkerboard template with unequal numbers in the x and y directions. In the following experiment, we use a 10*7 checkerboard. Each square has a side length of 20mm, which means it contains 9*6 internal corners. If this function detects the template, it will return the corresponding corner point and return true. Of course, not all images can find the required template, so we can use multiple images for calibration. In addition to using a checkerboard, we can also use a dot matrix, and the corresponding function is cv2.findCirclesGrid().

After finding the corner point, we can use cv2.cornerSubPix() to get more accurate corner pixel coordinates. We can also use cv2.drawChessboardCorners() to draw the corners onto the image for display. As shown in the figure below:

3. Calibration

Through the above steps, we The three-dimensional points used for calibration and the corresponding two-dimensional point pairs on the image are obtained. We use cv2.calibrateCamera() for calibration. This function returns the calibration result, the camera's intrinsic parameter matrix, distortion coefficient, rotation matrix and translation vector.

4. De-distortion

#In the third step, we have obtained the camera intrinsic parameters and distortion coefficients. Before de-distorting the image, we also You can use cv.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix() to optimize the internal parameters and distortion coefficients by setting the free scale factor alpha. When alpha is set to 0, a trimmed inner parameter and distortion coefficient that removes unwanted pixels after dedistortion will be returned; when alpha is set to 1, a trimmed inner parameter containing extra black pixels will be returned. parameters and distortion coefficients, and returns an ROI for cropping it out.

Then we can use the newly obtained internal parameter matrix and distortion coefficient to dedistort the image. There are two ways to remove distortion:

(1) Use cv2.undistort()

This is the most direct method, just call the function directly Obtain the dedistorted image, which can be cropped using the ROI above. The code is as follows:

# undistort
dst = cv2.undistort(img, mtx, dist, None, newcameramtx)

# crop the image
x,y,w,h = roi
dst = dst[y:y+h, x:x+w]

The following picture shows the result of de-distorting a picture and retaining black pixels:

(2) Use remmaping

This is a two-step method, first calculate a mapping from the distorted image to the non-distorted image, and then use this mapping The relationship is used to dedistort the image.
The code is as follows:

# undistort
mapx,mapy = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(mtx,dist,None,newcameramtx,(w,h),5)
dst = cv2.remap(img,mapx,mapy,cv2.INTER_LINEAR)

# crop the image
x,y,w,h = roi
dst = dst[y:y+h, x:x+w]

5. Back-projection error

Through the reverse projection Projection error, we can evaluate the quality of the results. The closer to 0, the more ideal the result is. Using the previously calculated internal parameter matrix, distortion coefficient, rotation matrix and translation vector, use cv2.projectPoints() to calculate the projection of the three-dimensional point to the two-dimensional image, and then calculate the error between the point obtained by back-projection and the point detected on the image, Finally, calculate an average error for all calibration images, and this value is the back-projection error.


The code for all steps is as follows:

import cv2
import numpy as np
import glob

# 找棋盘格角点
# 阈值
criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 30, 0.001)
w = 9
h = 6
# 世界坐标系中的棋盘格点,例如(0,0,0), (1,0,0), (2,0,0) ....,(8,5,0),去掉Z坐标,记为二维矩阵
objp = np.zeros((w*h,3), np.float32)
objp[:,:2] = np.mgrid[0:w,0:h].T.reshape(-1,2)
# 储存棋盘格角点的世界坐标和图像坐标对
objpoints = [] # 在世界坐标系中的三维点
imgpoints = [] # 在图像平面的二维点

images = glob.glob('calib/*.png')
for fname in images:
 img = cv2.imread(fname)
 gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
 # 找到棋盘格角点
 ret, corners = cv2.findChessboardCorners(gray, (w,h),None)
 # 如果找到足够点对,将其存储起来
 if ret == True:
  # 将角点在图像上显示
  cv2.drawChessboardCorners(img, (w,h), corners, ret)

# 标定
ret, mtx, dist, rvecs, tvecs = cv2.calibrateCamera(objpoints, imgpoints, gray.shape[::-1], None, None)

# 去畸变
img2 = cv2.imread('calib/00169.png')
h, w = img2.shape[:2]
newcameramtx, roi=cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(mtx,dist,(w,h),0,(w,h)) # 自由比例参数
dst = cv2.undistort(img2, mtx, dist, None, newcameramtx)
# 根据前面ROI区域裁剪图片
#x,y,w,h = roi
#dst = dst[y:y+h, x:x+w]

# 反投影误差
total_error = 0
for i in xrange(len(objpoints)):
 imgpoints2, _ = cv2.projectPoints(objpoints[i], rvecs[i], tvecs[i], mtx, dist)
 error = cv2.norm(imgpoints[i],imgpoints2, cv2.NORM_L2)/len(imgpoints2)
 total_error += error
print "total error: ", total_error/len(objpoints)

Related recommendations:

The data in OpenCVcv::Mat is written to the txt file

OpenCV cv.Mat and .txt file data reading and writing operations

The above is the detailed content of Python uses OpenCV for calibration. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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