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Callback functions and arrays

John Lennon
John Lennon Original
2018-04-14 16:37:18 1747browse

The content shared with you in this article is about PHP callback functions and arrays, which has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to

array_filter(), array_map(), Usage comparison of array_reduce(), array_walk()

array_filterUse the callback function to filter the cells in the array

Description:arrayarray_filter(array$array[,callable$callback[,int$flag= 0]] )

Pass each value in thearrayarray to thecallbackfunction in turn. If thecallbackfunction returns true, the current value of thearrayarray will be included in the returned result array, otherwise, it will not Return any value to the result array.The key names of the array remain unchanged.

Parameter description:

array:Array to be looped

##callback:Callback function used

If thecallbackfunction is not provided, all items inarraywill be deleted Entries with equivalent values ofFALSE.

#flag:DecisioncallbackReceived parameter form

  • ##ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY-callbackAccepts the key name as the only parameter

  • ##ARRAY_FILTER_USE_BOTH-callbackAccepts both key name and key value

Return value:Returns the filtered array.

Example 1:

function odd($var){ return($var & 1);}function even($var){ return(!($var & 1)); } $array1 = array("a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3, "d"=>4, "e"=>5); $array2 = array(6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12);echo "Odd :\n";print_r(array_filter($array1, "odd")); echo "
Even:\n"; print_r(array_filter($array2, "even")); 结果:Odd : Array ( [a] => 1 [c] => 3 [e] => 5 ) Even: Array ( [0] => 6 [2] => 8 [4] => 10 [6] => 12 )
Analysis: & is PHP's AND operation, when the value in the array is passed in, the AND operation is performed based on the binary form and...0000 0001 (the number of 0s in front is related to the operating system, if you don't understand, you can fill in the basic knowledge). If the result is true, Then return the value passed in to the result array.

Example 2: If there is no callback function, if the value in the array is true, the value in the array will be returned to the result array

$entry = array( 0 => 'foo', 1 => false, 2 => -1, 3 => null, 4 => ''); print_r(array_filter($entry)); 结果:Array ( [0] => foo [2] => -1 )
Example 3:

If there is only a key value, then The callback function only needs to receive a key value. If both key-value pairs are included, the first parameter receives the value, and the second parameter receives the key value

$arr = ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3, 'd' => 4]; var_dump(array_filter($arr, function($k) { return $k == 'b';}, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY)); var_dump(array_filter($arr, function($v, $k) { return $k == 'b' || $v == 4;}, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_BOTH)); 结果: D:\studySoftware\wamp64\www\test.php: 5:array (size=1) 'b' => int 2D: \studySoftware\wamp64\www\test.php: 8:array (size=2) 'b' => int 2 'd' => int 4

说明:arrayarray_map(callable$callback,array$array1[,array$...] )

array_map(): Returns an array, which is applied to each element ofarray1callbackThe array after the function.callbackThe number of function parameters and the number of arrays passed toarray_map()must be the same.

Parameter description:

callback:Callback function, applied to each element in each array.

array1:array, traverse and run thecallbackfunction.




function cube($n){ return($n * $n * $n); }$a = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); $b = array_map("cube", $a); print_r($b); 结果: Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 8 [2] => 27 [3] => 64 [4] => 125 )


function cube($n,$x){ echo "n的值:{$n},x的值:{$x}
"; return ($n + $x);}$a = array(1,2,3,4,5); $b = array(10,20); $c = array_map("cube",$a,$b); print_r($c); /* 结果: n的值: 1,x的值:10n的值: 2,x的值:20n的值: 3,x的值:n的值: 4,x的值:n的值: 5,x的值:Array ( [0] => 11 [1] => 22 [2] => 3 [3] => 4 [4] => 5 ) */


$a = array(1, 2, 3); $b = array("one", "two", "three"); $c = array("uno", "dos", "tres"); $d = array_map(null, $a, $b, $c); echo "
"; print_r($d); echo "



$arr = array("stringkey" => "value"); function cb1($a) { return array ($a); }function cb2($a, $b) { return array ($a, $b); }var_dump(array_map("cb1", $arr)); var_dump(array_map("cb2", $arr, $arr)); var_dump(array_map(null, $arr)); var_dump(array_map(null, $arr, $arr));


array_reduceUse the callback function to iteratively reduce the array to a single value

Description:mixedarray_reduce(array$array,callable$callback[,mixed$initial=NULL## ] )

array_reduce()Apply the callback functioncallbackiteratively toarrayEach cell in the array, thereby reducing the array to a single value.


array:Input array.


##carry:Carries the value in the last iteration; if this iteration is the first time, then this value isinitial.

item:carries the value of this iteration.

initialIf optional parameters are specifiedinitial, this parameter will be used before processing starts, or when the processing ends and the array is empty, the last result (that is, when the parameterarrayis empty,initialAs the return value ofarray_reduce()).


function sum($carry, $item){ $carry += $item; return $carry; } function product($carry, $item){ $carry *= $item; return $carry; } $a = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); $x = array(); var_dump(array_reduce($a, "sum")); // int(15)var_dump(array_reduce($a, "product", 10)); // int(1200), because: 10*1*2*3*4*5var_dump(array_reduce($x, "sum", "No data to reduce")); // string(17) "No data to reduce"


function sum($carry, $item){ echo "如果这里执行了,就打印..."; return $carry;}$x = array(); print_r(array_reduce($x, "sum",array("a","b"))); //结果: Array ( [0] => a [1] => b )




##Place the user-defined functionfuncnameApplies to each cell in thearrayarray.

array_walk()will not be affected by thearrayinternal array pointer.array_walk()will traverse the entire array regardless of the position of the pointer.

Parameter description:

arrayInput array.

callback:Typicallycallbackaccepts two parameters.arrayThevalue of the parameter is used as the first one, and the key name is used as the second.



callbackneeds to act directly on the values in the array, specify the first parameter tocallbackas a reference. Any changes to these cells will also change the original array itself.



The number of parameters exceeds the expected number. If passed to a built-in function (such asstrtolower()), a warning will be thrown, so it is not suitable asfuncname.

Only the value ofarraycan be changed. Users should not change the array itself in the callback function. Structure. For example, add/delete units, unset units, etc. If the arrayarray_walk()acts on changes, the behavior of this function is undefined and unpredictable.

userdata:If the optional parameteruserdatais provided, it will be passed to the callback as the third parameterfuncname.

返回值:成功时返回TRUE, 或者在失败时返回FALSE


$fruits = array("d" => "lemon", "a" => "orange", "b" => "banana"); function test_alter(&$item1, $key, $prefix){ echo "$item1=$key=$prefix
"; $item1 = "$prefix: $item1"; }function test_print($item2, $key){ echo "$key. $item2
\n";}echo "Before ...:
"; array_walk($fruits, 'test_print');array_walk($fruits, 'test_alter', 'fruit');echo "... and after:
"; array_walk($fruits, 'test_print'); /* Before ...: d. lemona. orange b. bananalemon=d=fruitorange=a=fruitbanana=b=fruit... and after: d. fruit: lemona. fruit: orangeb. fruit: banana */

The above is the detailed content of Callback functions and arrays. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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