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ES6 new features: Detailed explanation of Reflect object code in JavaScript

2017-03-07 14:24:121600browse

Reflect introduction:

The Reflect object has not been implemented in my node (v4.4.3), nor has babel (6.7.7). The new version of chrome is Yes, ff has supported Proxy and Reflect for a long time. If you want node to support Reflect, you can install harmony-reflect;

Reflect is not a constructor. When you want to use it, call it directly through Reflect.method(). Reflect has The methods are similar to those of Proxy, and most of the native Object Reflect methods have been re-implemented.

Why use Reflect

Here are a few reasons why you should use Reflect. Translation address: Reflect, roughly translated:

1: More useful return values : Reflect has some methods that are the same as the Object methods in ES5, such as: Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor and Reflect.defineProperty. However, successful execution of Object.defineProperty(obj, name, desc) will return obj, as well as errors caused by other reasons. Reflect .defineProperty will only return false or true to indicate whether the object's properties are set. The following code can be refactored:

try {
  Object.defineProperty(obj, name, desc);
  // property defined successfully
} catch (e) {
  // possible failure (and might accidentally catch the wrong exception)

Refactored into this:

if (Reflect.defineProperty(obj, name, desc)) {
  // success
} else {
  // failure

The rest of the methods, such as Relect.set , Reflect.deleteProperty, Reflect.preventExtensions, Reflect.setPrototypeOf, can all be refactored;

2: Function operation, if you want to judge that an obj has a definition or inherits the attribute name, judge it like this in ES5: name in obj; or delete an attribute: delete obj[name]. Although these are easy to use, very short and clear, they must be encapsulated into a class when used;

With Reflect, it helps You have encapsulated it, Reflect.has(obj, name), Reflect.deleteProperty(obj, name);

3: A more reliable functional execution method: In ES, you want to execute a function f, and Pass it a set of parameter args, and if you want to bind this, you should write it like this:

f.apply(obj, args)

But f's apply may be redefined as the user's own apply, so it is more reliable to write it like this:

Function.prototype.apply.call(f, obj, args)

The above code is too long and difficult to understand. With Reflect, we can make it shorter, more concise and clear:

Reflect.apply(f, obj, args)

4: Constructor in the form of variable parameters: Imagine , you want to instantiate a constructor with parameters of uncertain length. In ES5, we can use extension symbols, which can be written like this:

var obj = new F(...args)

However, in ES5, extension symbols are not supported, so, we You can only use F.apply or F.call to pass different parameters. Unfortunately, F is a constructor, which is a cheat. But with Reflect, we can write like this in ES5:

var obj = Reflect.construct(F, args)

5: Control this of the accessor or reader: In ES5, if you want to read the attributes of an element or set the attributes, you need to do this:

var name = ... // get property name as a string
obj[name] // generic property lookup
obj[name] = value // generic property update

The Reflect.get and Reflect.set methods allow us to do the same thing, and he added an extra parameter receiver, allowing us to set the object's setter and getter's context:

var name = ... // get property name as a string
Reflect.get(obj, name, wrapper) // if obj[name] is an accessor, it gets run with `this === wrapper`
Reflect.set(obj, name, value, wrapper)

The accessor does not want to use its own method, but wants to redirect this to the wrapper:

var obj = {
    set foo(value) { return this.bar(); },
    bar: function() {
var wrapper = {
    bar : function() {
Reflect.set(obj, "foo", "value", wrapper);

6: Avoid direct access to __proto__: ES5 provides Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) to access the prototype of the object, ES6 also provides Reflect.getPrototypeOf(obj) and Reflect .setPrototypeOf(obj, newProto), this is a new method to access and set the prototype of an object:

Usage of Reflect.apply

Reflect.apply is actually Function.prototype in ES5. apply() substitute, three parameters are required to execute Reflect.apply

The first parameter is: the function that needs to be executed;
The second parameter is: the context this that needs to execute the function;
th The three parameters are: It is an array or pseudo-array, which will be used as a parameter to execute the function;

let fn = function() {
    this.attr = [0,1,2,3];
let obj = {};
Reflect.apply(fn, obj, [])

Demo of Reflect.apply:

Reflect.apply(Math.floor, undefined, [1.75]); // 输出:1;
Reflect.apply(String.fromCharCode, undefined, [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]); // 输出:"hello"
Reflect.apply(RegExp.prototype.exec, /ab/, ["confabulation"]).index; //输出: 4
Reflect.apply("".charAt, "ponies", [3]); // 输出:"i"

Reflect can be used in conjunction with Proxy:

    var  Fn = function(){
    Fn.prototype.run = function() {
        console.log( "runs out" );
    var ProxyFn  = new Proxy(Fn, {
        construct (target ,arugments) {
            console.log("proxy constructor");
            var obj = new target(...arugments);
            Reflect.apply(target.prototype.run, obj, arugments);
            return obj;
    new ProxyFn ();  //会先输出: "proxy constructor" ; 再输出: runs out

Usage of Reflect.construct():

Reflect.construct is actually an instance The constructor is implemented in the form of passing parameters. The execution method is different, but the effect is actually the same. The first parameter of construct is the constructor, and the second parameter is an array or pseudo-array composed of parameters. The basic usage method is:

var Fn = function(arg) {
    this.args = [arg]
console.log( new Fn(1), Reflect.construct(Fn,[1]) ); // 输出是一样的

var d = Reflect.construct(Date, [1776, 6, 4]);
d instanceof Date; // true
d.getFullYear(); // 1776
//所以Reflect.consturct和new 构

So Reflect.consturct is the same as the new constructor, at least so far..

We can pass the third parameter to Reflect.construct, and the third parameter is a super class. New elements will inherit this super class;

function someConstructor() {}
var result = Reflect.construct(Array, [], someConstructor);
Reflect.getPrototypeOf(result); // someConstructor.prototype
Array.isArray(result); // true
var Fn = function() {
    this.attr = [1];
var Person = function() {
Person.prototype.run = function() {
console.log( Reflect.construct(Fn, [], Person) );

So we can use this to implement a special array, inherit the array, but also have its own methods;

var Fn = function() {
    Array.apply(this, arguments);
    this.shot = ()=> {
var arr = Reflect.construct(Fn, [])

Use of Reflect.defineProperty;

Reflect.defineProperty returns a Boolean value. Adding properties and property values ​​to an object through direct assignment returns an entire object. If the addition fails, an error will be thrown;

var obj = {};
obj.x = 10;
console.log(obj.x) //输出:10;

Use Reflect.defineProperty to add the value;

var obj = {};
if( Reflect.defineProperty(obj, "x", {value : 7 }) ) {
    console.log("added success");

如果我们执行preventExtensions, 通过Object.defindProperty定义新属性报错了, 但是通过Reflect.defineProperty没有报错, 返回了一个false的值:

var obj = {};
Object.defineProperty(obj, "x" , {
    value: 101,
    writable: false,
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: false
});// 直接抛错了;
console.log( Reflect.defineProperty(obj, "x", {value:101}) ) //返回false:

如果通过直接赋值的方式, 无论是否正确赋值, 都返回设置的值, 除非我们手动确认对象的属性值是否设置成功;

var obj = {};
console.log( obj.aa = 1 ); //输出:1;
console.log(obj.aa) //输出:undefined;


Reflect.deleteProperty和Reflect.defineProperty的使用方法差不多, Reflect.deleteProperty和 delete obj.xx的操作结果是一样, 区别是使用形式不同:一个是操作符,一个是函数调用;

Reflect.deleteProperty(Object.freeze({foo: 1}), "foo"); // false
delete Object.freeze({foo: 1}).foo; //输出:false;


这个方法的有两个必须的参数: 第一个为obj目标对象, 第二个为属性名对象, 第三个是可选的,是作为读取器的上下文(this);

var obj = {};
obj.foo = 1;
console.log( obj.foo ); //输出:1;
console.log( Reflect.get(obj, "foo") ) //输出:1;

如果Reflect.get有第三个参数的话, 第三个参数会作为读取器的上下文:

var Reflect = require(&#39;harmony-reflect&#39;);

var obj = {
    "foo" : 1,
    get bar() {
        return this.foo;
var foo = {};
foo.foo = "heheda";
console.log(Reflect.get(obj, "bar", foo));



Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor({x: "hello"}, "x");
//这两个的区别是一个会包装对象, 一个不会:
Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor("hello",0); //抛出异常
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor("hello",0); //输出: {value: "h", writable: false, enumerable: true, configurable: false}


Reflect.getPrototypeOf和Object.getPrototypeOf是一样的, 他们都是返回一个对象的原型

Reflect.getPrototypeOf({}); // 输出:Object.prototype
Reflect.getPrototypeOf(Object.prototype); // 输出:null
Reflect.getPrototypeOf(Object.create(null)); // 输出: null


Reflect.has这个方法有点像操作符:in , 比如这样: xx in obj;

Reflect.has({x:0}, "x") //输出: true;
Reflect.has({y:0}, "y") //输出:true
; var obj = {x:0}; console.log( "x" in obj); 
var proxy = new Proxy(obj, { has : function(target, args) { console.log("执行has方法"); 
return Reflect.has(target,...args); } }); 
console.log( "x" in proxy); //输出:true; console.log(Reflect.has(proxy, "x")) //输出:true; </script>

这个demo的obj相当于变成了一个方法了, 没他什么用 , 只是利用了他的has方法:

obj = new Proxy({}, {
    has(t, k) { return k.startsWith("door"); }
Reflect.has(obj, "doorbell"); // true
Reflect.has(obj, "dormitory"); // false


// 现在这个元素是可以扩展的;
var empty = {};
Reflect.isExtensible(empty); // === true

// 使用preventExtensions方法, 让这个对象无法扩展新属性;
Reflect.isExtensible(empty); // === false

// 这个对象无法扩展新属性, 可写的属性依然可以改动
var sealed = Object.seal({});
Reflect.isExtensible(sealed); // === false

// 这个对象完全被冻结了
var frozen = Object.freeze({});
Reflect.isExtensible(frozen); // === false

Reflect.isExtensible和Object.isExtensible的区别是, 如果参数不对,一个会抛错, 另一个只是返回true或者false:

// 抛错了: 1 is not an object
// 返回false;


Reflect.ownKeys, Object可没有ownKeys方法, Reflect.ownKeysz他的作用是返回对象的keys;

console.log(Reflect.ownKeys({"a":0,"b":1,"c":2,"d":3})); //输出 :["a", "b", "c", "d"]
console.log(Reflect.ownKeys([])); // ["length"]
var sym = Symbol.for("comet");
var sym2 = Symbol.for("meteor");
var obj = {[sym]: 0, "str": 0, "773": 0, "0": 0,
    [sym2]: 0, "-1": 0, "8": 0, "second str": 0};
Reflect.ownKeys(obj); //输出:/ [ "0", "8", "773", "str", "-1", "second str", Symbol(comet), Symbol(meteor) ]

Reflect.ownKeys的排序是根据: 先显示数字, 数字根据大小排序,然后是 字符串根据插入的顺序排序, 最后是symbol类型的key也根据插入插入顺序排序;

出现这中排序是因为,你给一个对象属性赋值时候, 对象的key的排序规则就是先数字, 在字符串, 最后是symbol类型的数据;


Object也有preventExtensions方法, 和Reflect.preventExtensions()有一点区别, 如果Reflect.preventExtensions参数不是对象会抛错;

var empty = {};
Reflect.isExtensible(empty); // === true

// 执行preventExtensions后的对象可以修改;
Reflect.isExtensible(empty); // === false

// TypeError: 1 is not an object
//不会抛错, 会返回:1



var obj = {};
Reflect.set(obj, "prop", "value"); // 输出:true
console.log( obj.prop ); // 输出:"value"

var arr = ["duck", "duck", "duck"];
Reflect.set(arr, 2, "goose"); // true
console.log( arr[2] ); // "goose"

Reflect.set(arr, "length", 1); // true
console.log( arr );// ["duck"];

Reflect.set(obj)相当于 Reflect.set(obj, undefined, undefined);

var obj = {};
Reflect.set(obj); // 输出:true
//以上的代码相当于 Reflect.set(obj, undefined, undefined);
Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "undefined");
// { value: undefined, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true }

Reflect.set也可以有第四个参数, 这个参数会作为stter的this;

var obj = {
    value : 10,
    set key( value ) {
        this.value =  value;
    get key() {
        return this.value;
Reflect.set(obj,"key","heheda", obj);


Reflect.setPrototypeOf()方法和Object.setPrototypeOf差不多一样样的, 会给对象设置原型, 就是更改对象的__proto__属性了…;

Reflect.setPrototypeOf({}, Object.prototype); // 输出true

// 给该对象数组[[Prototype]] 为null.
Reflect.setPrototypeOf({}, null); // true
// 此时的obj.__proto__为undefine

Reflect.setPrototypeOf(Object.freeze({}), null); // false

// 如果原型链循环依赖的话就会返回false.
var target = {};
var proto = Object.create(target);
Reflect.setPrototypeOf(target, proto); // false


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