Home >Backend Development >Python Tutorial >How to process log files in real time with Python script
This Python script is used to monitor the content of real-time files. For example, Error or time out fields can be customized; it is my first real Python script. I feel it is still relatively bloated, but I plan to put it on the blog. Record it here (I’m still a beginner, please don’t complain, masters), I really hope bloggers can give me some pointers (now the file size value recorded each time is output to a file, and there are also shell commands nested in it. I think these can all be optimized, but I don’t know how to do it yet); the alarm is based on zabbix, and the customized template is executed once every 120 seconds
#!/usr/local/bin/python3.5 ###Destription: 实时读取log信息 ###Author: Danny Deng ###Datetime: 2016-11-17 import re,time,subprocess,os,linecache #####定义log文件 file_name = "/usr/local/nginx/logs/error.log" file_number = "/usr/local/zabbix_agent/number.txt" j = int(0) seek = int(0) ##判断过程:文件是否存在---判断存储日志大小的文件是否存在---判断number size 与 filesize的大小 ###定义函数按行读取文件内容 def readline(): ####if判断 seek是否大于0,大于则赋值,否则初始为0 while True: ######定义文件,根据seek值进行每行读取,每次tell赋值给seek with open(file_name,'r') as f: global seek #seek = seek f.seek(seek) data = f.readline() if data: seek = f.tell() yield data else: ######Python变量转换为shell变量 global file_number os.environ['seek'] = str(seek) os.environ['file_number'] = str(file_number) os.system('echo $seek > $file_number') os.system('chown zabbix.zabbix $file_number') return def func_for(): j = int(0) for i in readline(): f_find = re.findall(r"check time out", i,flags=re.IGNORECASE) if "check time out" in f_find: j += 1 #####没有输出0,有值输出出现error匹配到的次数值 try: print(j) except NameError: print(int("0")) ###判断日志文件是否存在 if os.path.isfile(file_name): ###判断存储文件内容大小的文件是否存在 if os.path.isfile(file_number): ####存在则读取文件size大小,赋值给seek_number seek_number = int(linecache.getline(file_number, 1)) ####然后继续判断存储的文件大小与现在文件大小(确定文件是否是重新生成的) if os.path.getsize(file_name) >= seek_number and seek_number > 0: seek = seek_number func_for() ###若为新文件则,seek 赋值为0 else: #open(arg1, "a+").write("0") #seek = int(linecache.getline(file_number, 1)) seek = int(0) func_for() ####file_number 不存在则新建,并赋值seek变量为0 else: #open(file_number, "a+").write("0") #seek = int(linecache.getline(file_number, 1)) os.environ['file_number'] = str(file_number) os.system('echo 0 > $file_number') os.system('chown zabbix.zabbix $file_number') func_for() else: print("Error") quit()
The above is introduced by the editor The Python script processes the log file script in real time. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. If you have any questions, please leave me a message and the editor will reply to you in time. I would also like to thank you all for your support of the PHP Chinese website!
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