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C# 2.0 Specification (Generics 4)

2017-01-03 10:35:081408browse

Connected to Generics 3

20.6 Generic methods

Generic methods are methods related to a specific type. In addition to regular parameters, a generic method also names a set of type parameters that need to be supplied when using the method. Generic methods can be declared in a class, struct, or interface declaration, and they themselves can be generic or non-generic. If a generic method is declared in a generic type declaration, the method body can reference the method's type parameters and contain the declared type parameters.

generic-method-declaration (泛型方法声明)
generic-method-header method-body(泛型方法头 方法体)

attributes opt method-modifiers opt return-type member-name type-parameter-list(formal-parameter-list opt) type-parameter-constraints-clause opt
( Features optional method modifier optional return type member name type parameter list (formal parameter list optional) type parameter constraint statement optional)
interface-generic-method-declaration: (interface generic method declaration:)
attributes opt new opt return-type identifier type-parameter-list
(formal-parameter-list opt) type-parameter-constraints-clauses opt ;
(Attribute optional new optional return type identifier type parameter List (formal parameter list is optional) Type parameter constraint statement is optional;
Type parameter list and type parameter constraint statement have the same syntax and function as the generic type declaration. The type parameter scope declared by the type parameter list runs throughout. Generic method declaration, which can be used to form a constraint statement including return value, method body and type parameter, but does not include attributes.

The name of the type parameter of the method cannot be the same as the name of the regular parameter of the same method.

The following example finds the first element in an array that exists if it satisfies the given test delegate. Generic delegates are described in §20.4.

public delegate bool Test<T>(T item);
public class Finder
public static T Find<T>(T[] items , Test<T> test){
foreach(T item in items)
if(test(item)) return item;
throw new InvalidOperationException(“Item not found”);

Generic methods cannot. Declared as extern. All other modifiers are valid on generic methods.

##20.6.1 Generic method signatures

For signature comparison purposes, any type parameter. Constraints are ignored, as are the names of the type parameters, but the number of type parameters is also ignored, as is the element position of the type parameters from left to right. The following example shows the method signature affected by this rule. .

class A{}
class B {}
interface IX
T F1<T>(T[] a , int i); //错误,因为返回类型和类型参数名字无关紧要,
void F1<U>(U[] a ,int i); //这两个声明都有相同的签名
void F2<T><int x>; //OK,类型参数的数量是签名的一部分
void F2(int x);
void F3<T>(T t) where T: A // 错误,约束不在签名考虑之列
void F3<T>(T t) where T:B: 

Overloading of generic methods follows a similar rule to that governing method overloading in generic type declarations (§20.1.8), with two further constraints. A generic method declaration with the same name and the same number of type arguments cannot have a parameter type that encloses a list of type arguments, when they produce two methods with the same signature in the same order, being applied to both methods in the same order. When a method is used, the constraint will not be considered due to this rule. For example,


class X<T>{void F<U>(T t , U u){…} //错误,X<int>.F<int> 产生了具有相同签名的两个方法void F<U>(U u, T t){…} //}

20.6.2 Virtual generic method

The generic method can use abstract. virtual and override modifier declarations. When matching method overrides and interface implementations, signatures matching the rules described in §20.6.1 will be used. When a generic method overrides a generic method declared in a base class, or implements a method in a base interface, the constraints given for each type parameter must be the same in both declarations, where the method type parameters will be Original positions are identified from left to right.

abstract class Base

public abstract T F<T,U>(T t, U u);
public abstract T G<T>(T t) where T: IComparable;
class Derived:Base
public override X F<X,Y>(X x ,Y y){…} //OK
public override T G<T>(T t){…} //错误

The rewriting of F is correct because the type parameter names are allowed to be different. The override of G is wrong because the given type parameter constraints (there are no constraints here) do not match the overridden method.

20.6.3 Calling generic methods



class Test
static void F<T>(int x , T y)
static void F<T>(T x , long y)
static void Main()
F<int>(5,324); //ok,打印“one”
F<byte>(5,324); //ok, 打印“two”
F<double>(5,324); //错误,模糊的
F(5,324); //ok,打印“one”
F(5,324L); //错误,模糊的 


当不指定类型实参而调用泛型方法时,类型推断(type inference)处理将试图为调用推断类型实参。类型推断的存在可以让调用泛型方法时,采用更方便的语法,并且可以避免程序员指定冗余的类型信息。例如,给定方法声明

class Util
static Random rand = new Random();
static public T Choose<T>(T first , T second)
return (rand.Next(2) == 0)?first:second

不显式指定类型实参而调用 Choose方法也是可以的。

int i = Util.Choose(5,123); //调用Choose<int>
string s = Util.Choose(“foo”,”bar”);//调用Choose<string>

通过类型推断,类型实参int和string 将由方法的实参确定。




- P和方法的任何类型参数无关[1]
- 实参是null字符
- 实参是一个匿名方法
- 实参是一个方法组


如果P是一个数组类型,而A 是一个不同秩的数组类型,那么泛型方法的类型推断失败。


否则,P必须是一个构造类型。如果对于出现在P中的每个方法类型参数MX ,恰好可以确定一个类型TX,使用每个TX替换每个MX ,这将产生一个类型,对于这个类型,A可以通过标准的隐式转换而被转换,那么对于这个实参的类型推断成功,对于每个MX,TX 就是推断的类型。方法类型参数约束(如果有的话),因为类型推断的原因将会被忽略。如果对于一个给定的MX 没有TX存在或者多于一个TX存在 ,那么泛型方法的类型推断将会失败(多于一个TX 存在的情形只可能发生在,P是一个泛型接口类型,并且A实现了接口的多个构造版本)。







以上就是C# 2.0 Specification (泛型四)的内容,更多相关内容请关注PHP中文网(m.sbmmt.com)!

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