Home > Article > WeChat Applet > WeChat public platform development--emoticons
1) How to send emoticons from public accounts to subscription accounts
2) Emoticon code comparison table
3) PHP definition of emoticon codes
1) How to send emoticons from public accounts Give the subscription account
The development of emoticons on the WeChat public platform is in the development mode of public accounts, where the public account sends emoticons to the subscription account.
105 QQ emoticons are used in the WeChat public platform, as follows:
The emoticon sending is completed through text codes, as follows
Send on the public platform/ ::)
User receives smiling face
2) Emoticon code comparison table
Download address: http://download.csdn.net/detail/d_eng/6545051
3) Expression code PHP definition
$ emoji_code = array(
"/::~", //pucker
" /::B", //Color
"/::|", //Dazed
"/:8-)", //Proud
"/ ::
"/::$", //Shy
"/::X", //Shut up
"/ ::Z", //Sleep
"/::'(", //Cry
"/::-|", //Embarrassing
" /::@", //angry
"/::P", //naughty
"/::D", //baring teeth
"/ ::O", //Surprised
"/::(", //Sad
"/::+", // Cool
" /:--b", //Cold sweat
"/::Q", //Crazy
"/::T", // spit
"/:,@P", //smirk
"/:,@-D", //cute
"/::d", //Rolling eyes
"/:,@o", //Arrogance
"/::g", //Hungry
"/:|-)", //Sleepy
"/::!", //Frightened
"/::L", //Sweating
"/::>", //Hanxiao
"/::,@", //Soldier
"/:,@f", //Work hard
"/::-S", //cursing
"/:?", //question
"/:,@x", //shhh
"/:,@@", //faint
"/::8", //torture
"/:,@!", //faint
"/:!!!", //Skull
"/:xx", //Strike
"/:bye", //Goodbye
"/:wipe", //wipe sweat
"/:dig", //pick nose
"/:handclap", //applaud
"/: &-(", //Brother is too big
"/:B-)", //Smirk
"/:@>", //right humming
"/::-O", //yawn
"/:>-|", //Contempt
"/:P-(", //Grief
"/::'|", //Almost crying
"/:X-)", //Insidious
"/::*", //Kiss
"/:@x", //Scare
"/:8*", //Poor
"/:pd", //Chop knife
"/:beer", //Beer
"/:basketb", //Basketball
"/:oo", //Ping Pong
// 61-75
"/:coffee", //coffee
"/:eat", //rice
"/:pig", //pig
"/:rose", //Rose
"/:fade", //Wither
"/:showlove", //Show love
" /:heart", //love
"/:break", //heartbreak
"/:cake", //cake
"/:li" , //Lightning
"/:bome", //Bomb
"/:kn", //Knife
"/:footb", //Football
"/:ladybug", //Ladybug
"/:shit", //Poop
"/: moon", //Moon
"/:sun", //Sun
"/:gift", //Gift
"/:hug", // Hug
"/:strong", //strong
"/:weak", //Weak
"/:share", //Handshake
"/:v", //Victory
"/:@)", //Holding fists
"/:jj", //Seduction
"/ :@@", //fist
"/:bad", //bad
"/:lvu", //love you
"/:no" , //No
"/:ok", //Ok
"/:love", //love
"/:jump", //Dance
"/:shake", //Shake
" /:
"/:circle", //Turn in a circle
"/:kotow", //Kowtow
"/ :turn", //Look back
"/:skip", //Skip rope
"/:oY", //Wave your hands
"/:#-0" , //Excited
"/:hiphot", //Hip-hop// hiphot doesnot work!
"/:kiss", //Kiss
"/:&>" //Right Tai Chi
//1-35 /::)/: :~/::B/::|/:8-)/::$/::X/::Z/::'(/::-|/::@/::P /::D/::O/::(/::+ /:--b/::Q/::T/:,@P/:,@-D/::d/:,@o/ ::g/:|-)/::!/::L/::>/::,@/:,@f/::-S/:?/:,@x/:,@@
//36-75 /::8/:,@!/:!!!/:xx/:bye/:wipe/:dig/:handclap/:&-(/:B-)/ :/::-O/:>-|/:P-(/::'|/:X-)/::*/:@x/:8*/:pd /:
//76-105 /:bome/:kn/:footb/:ladybug/:shit/:moon/:sun/:gift/:hug/:strong/:weak/:share/:v/:@)/: jj/:@@/:bad/:lvu/:no/:ok/:love/:
Download address: http://download. csdn.net/detail/d_eng/6545051
The above is the content of WeChat public platform development-emoticons. For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website (m.sbmmt.com)!