Home>Article>Backend Development> Are you sure you can receive notifications using WeChat payment mode 2 notify_url? I've been at it for two days. . . .

Are you sure you can receive notifications using WeChat payment mode 2 notify_url? I've been at it for two days. . . .

WBOY Original
2016-08-25 10:37:11 1137browse

This is the address of my notify_url

Reply content:

This is the address of my notify_url

This notification is not the kind of parameter notification you imagined. What it pushes is a file stream in XML format, which can be read directly from the request

Post your code for sending the payment request and the code for the callback page. Please explain your operating environment as well, so that everyone can help you.. There is no problem at all.

What is your error message?
You can refer to the open source sample code github-WeChat payment https://github.com/dcloudio/H...
Specific parameters
$result = array(

 'appid' => $appid, 'noncestr'=>$parameters['nonce_str'], 'package'=>'Sign=WXPay', 'partnerid'=>$mch_id, 'prepayid'=>$prepay_id, 'timestamp'=> time(),

// Re-sign
$result['sign'] = $this->getSign($result, $key);

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