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socket 同时只能有一个客户端连接一个端口并往下面发送数据

2016-06-13 10:41:40852browse

求助 socket 同时只能有一个客户端连接一个端口并往上面发送数据
同时只能有一个客户端连接一个端口(如8090)并往上面发送数据,当有第二个客户端连接时这个8090端口时 就连接不上了

PHP code
$commonProtocol = getprotobyname("tcp");$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $commonProtocol);@socket_bind($socket, '', 8888);@socket_listen($socket);// Initialize the buffer$buffer = "NO DATA";while(true){sleep(1);     // Accept any connections coming in on this socket $connection = @socket_accept($socket); printf("Socket connected\r\n"); // Check to see if there is anything in the buffer if($buffer != "") {  printf("Something is in the buffer...sending data...\r\n");  @socket_write($connection, $buffer . "\r\n");  printf("Wrote to socket\r\n"); } else {  printf("No Data in the buffer\r\n"); } // Get the input while($data = @socket_read($connection, 14, PHP_NORMAL_READ)) {          if (!empty($data)){         $buffer = $data;   //文件驱动模式       /*$f = fopen(dirname(__FILE__).'/file/'.date('YmdHis').'.txt','w');    fwrite($f,$buffer);     fclose($f); */     socket_set_nonblock($connection);   socket_getpeername($connection,&$remoteIP,&$remotePort);echo $remoteIP."\r\n";echo $remotePort."\r\n";    $data=str_split($buffer);  print_r($data);  foreach($data as $v){     echo dechex(ord($v))."\t";     } echo "\r\n";      }     } @socket_close($connection); printf("Closed the socket\r\n\r\n");  }

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