How to use: Add the JS and CSS files of jQuery class library and jqPagination plug-in Copy code The code is as follows: <br> </div> <p>You need the following HTML</p> <p></p> <div class="codetitle"> <span><a style="CURSOR: pointer" data="48102" class="copybut" id="copybut48102" onclick="doCopy('code48102')"><u>Copy code</u></a></span> The code is as follows:</div> <div class="codebody" id="code48102"> <br><div class="pagination"><br> <a href="#" class="first" data-action="first">«</a><br> <a href="#" class="previous" data-action=" previous">‹</a><br> <input type="text" readonly="readonly" data-max-page="40" /><br> <a href="#" class ="next" data-action="next">›</a><br> <a href="#" class="last" data-action="last">»</a> <br></div><br> </div> <p>Finally initialize the plugin</p> <p></p> <div class="codetitle"> <span><a style="CURSOR: pointer" data="26076" class="copybut" id="copybut26076" onclick="doCopy('code26076')"><u>Copy code</u></a></span> The code is as follows:</div> <div class="codebody" id="code26076"> <br>$('.pagination').jqPagination({<br> link_string: '/?page={page_number}',<br> current_page: 5, //Set the current page to default to 1<br> max_page: 40, //Set the maximum page to default to 1<br> page_string: ' Current page {current_page}, total {max_page} paged: function(page) {<br> //Post event. <br> }<br>});<br><br> </div>