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博客美化(一):公告栏添加精致电子表 - 六月天空的芬芳

2016-05-20 16:50:401250browse



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  • 10
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71 72 73 var hour=document.getElementById('hour'); 74 var minute=document.getElementById('minute'); 75 var second=document.getElementById('second'); 76 function showTime(){ 77 var oDate=new Date(); 78 var iHours=oDate.getHours(); 79 var iMinute=oDate.getMinutes(); 80 var iSecond=oDate.getSeconds(); 81 hour.innerHTML=AddZero(iHours); 82 minute.innerHTML=AddZero(iMinute); 83 second.innerHTML=AddZero(iSecond); 84 } 85 showTime(); 86 setInterval(showTime,1000); 87 function AddZero(n){ 88 if(n89 return '0'+n; 90 } 91 return ''+n; 92 } 93



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