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The difference between Div, span and label tags in HTML

2017-06-27 11:38:212748browse

p and span

Everyone has a lot of confusion when they first learn the p+css layout. I don’t think there is a certain "system" in the use of p and span. I think there are two The difference is not big. In w3c's definition of p and span: p as a split document structure naturally makes it the most official semantics, but such official semantics are too confusing. The structure is still
good, but it is still confusing whether to use p or span in small places. In fact, it is precisely the definition in "Microsoft MSDN Library"
that makes people suddenly enlightened.

p: Specify the container for rendering HTML

span: Specify the inline text container

In layman's terms, if there are other tags in , use p , if there is only text in it, you should use span

p is a block-level element, used to provide structure and background for large blocks of content in HTML documents

span is an inline element that defines an area within a line (that is, a line can be divided into several areas by )

The span tag can be embedded in the p tag, (p can be regarded as a large container , span is a small container, of course a large container can hold a small container)

span and label

With the above statement about span, we can perform span container operations on the text, and we can define css styles and so on, but the label seems like It's also possible? But what's the difference between the two?

label label is mainly used to bind a form element. When label label is clicked, it is bound. The form element will get the input focus

span is a container for ordinary text.


##Did you visited my blog

(Press the text "Yes" or "No" not the radio)< /span>

Run result:

One question is:

Isn’t the accesskey attribute used to set shortcut keys? But neither the 1 nor alt+1 keys respond. I don’t know what’s going on, and I’m very depressed. I hope an expert can give me an answer on how to use the label accesskey.

Attachment: The specific usage of label label:

label is marked as a label mark. This mark supports binding with other user interactive controls and triggers corresponding events on behalf of the bound control. The binding method is: specify the for attribute value as the destination control (binding control) ID. Under normal circumstances, it is more common to use label binding when using radio buttons and check boxes.
Two attributes in Label are very useful, one is for and the other is accesskey
For attribute:
Function: Represents Label label The HTML element to be bound, when you click this tag, the bound element will get focus

Accesskey attribute:
Function: Indicates the hotkey to access the element bound to the label tag. When you press the hotkey, the bound element will gain focus.

Limitations: The shortcut keys set by the accessKey attribute cannot conflict with the browser's shortcut keys, otherwise the priority or browser The shortcut key .

To bind LABEL to another control, set the FOR attribute of the LABEL element to the same ID as the control. Binding LABEL to the control's NAME property is useless. However, to submit the form, you must specify a name for the control to which the LABEL element is bound.

There are two methodsAdd underline to the specified shortcut key. Rich text support for the LABEL element allows the addition of U elements on either side of the accelerator character specified by the ACCESSKEY attribute. If you prefer to use a style sheet (CSS) to apply the style, you can enclose the character in a SPAN and style it as "text-decoration: underline”.

If the user clicks LABEL, the onclick event on LABEL will be triggered first, and then the onclick event on the control specified by the htmlFor attribute will be triggered. Press The shortcut key set by LABEL will set the focus but not trigger the onclick event.

## Nesting of labels is not allowed in Internet Explorer 4.0 and Available in the above versions of HTML and scripts.

This element is an inline element.

This element requires a closing tag.

The above is the detailed content of The difference between Div, span and label tags in HTML. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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