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Use image button as reset form button

2017-02-28 13:20:023514browse

Use some small pictures to replace these buttons. The method of using pictures for the submit button is very simple, I believe everyone can do it. So how to use the picture button as a reset form button? Interested friends can take a look. When we make a form, we often set up a submit button and a reset button. Sometimes we may use some small pictures to replace these buttons to make the page look better. The method of using pictures for the submit button is very simple, I believe everyone can do it. So how to use an image button as a reset form button? Please read on.

Suppose here that I have two pictures: submit button picture ok.gif, reset button picture reset.gif

The code for using pictures as a submission form is:

The code for using pictures as a reset form is:

For more related articles on using image buttons as reset (reset) form buttons, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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