redis ZSCORE command

  Translation results:


UK[skɔ:(r)] US[skɔr, skor]

n.Score; Score; Score; 20

v. Score; score; score; win

Third person singular: scores Plural: scores Present participle: scoring Past tense: scored Past participle: scored

redis ZSCORE commandsyntax

Function: Returns the score value of the member in the ordered set key.

Syntax: ZSCORE key member

Description: If the member element is not a member of the ordered set key, or key does not exist, return nil.

Available versions: >= 1.2.0

Time complexity: O(1)

Returns: member's score value, expressed in string form.

redis ZSCORE commandexample

redis> ZRANGE salary 0 -1 WITHSCORES    # 测试数据
1) "tom"
2) "2000"
3) "peter"
4) "3500"
5) "jack"
6) "5000"
redis> ZSCORE salary peter              # 注意返回值是字符串

