jquery jQuery.support Property

  Translation results:


Instance; event; performance; mobile; foundation


英[səˈpɔ:t] Beauty [səˈpɔ:rt]

vt. Support; support; help; maintain

n. Support; supporter; [mathematics] support; support

jquery jQuery.support Propertysyntax

Function:The jQuery.support attribute contains a set of attributes that represent different browser features or vulnerabilities. This property is primarily used internally by jQuery.

Syntax: jQuery.support.propvalue

Operation: propvalue Required. Specifies the functionality to be tested. These tests include: ajax boxModel changeBubbles checkClone checkOn cors cssFloat hrefNormalized htmlSerialize leadingWhitespace noCloneChecked noCloneEvent opacity optDisabled optSelected scriptEval() style submitBubbles tbody

jquery jQuery.support Propertyexample

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="http://apps.bdimg.com/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js">
  $("p").html("本浏览器能够创建 XMLHttpRequest 对象: " + jQuery.support.ajax);


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