html frameset tag

  Translation results:

UK [f'reɪmi:set] US [f'reɪmi:set]

Frame bracket

html frameset tagsyntax

Function:Define a frameset.

Description: It is used to organize multiple windows (frames). Each framework has separate documentation. In its simplest application, the frameset element simply specifies how many columns or rows exist in the frameset. You must use cols or rows attributes.

Note: If you wish to validate a page that contains frames, make sure the DTD is set to "Frameset DTD". You cannot use the <body></body> tag with the <frameset></frameset> tag. However, if you need to add a <noframes> tag for browsers that don't support frames, be sure to place the tag within the <body></body> tag!

html frameset tagexample


<frameset cols="25%,50%,25%">

  <frame src="//">
  <frame src="//">
  <frame src="//">



