html datalist tag

  Translation results:

UK [ˈdeitə list] US [ˈdetə lɪst]

Data table

html datalist tagsyntax

What does the datalist tag mean?

Function: Define the option list and specify the possible option list for the input element.

Note: Please use this element in conjunction with the input element to define the possible values ​​of the input. The datalist and its options are not displayed, it is just a list of valid input values. Please use the list attribute of the input element to bind the datalist.

Note: All major browsers support the <datalist> tag except Internet Explorer and Safari. The <datalist> tag is new in HTML 5.

html datalist tagexample

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
<input list = "name">
<datalist id = "name">
    <option value = "猪哥">
    <option value = "无忌哥哥">
    <option value = "peter_朱">
    <option value = "灭绝师太">
    <option value = "西门大官人">

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