CSS pseudo-elements

CSS Pseudo Elements

CSS pseudo elements are used to add some special effects to selectors.


Pseudo element syntax:

selector:pseudo-element {property:value;}

CSS classes can also use pseudo elements:

selector.class:pseudo-element {property:value;}

:first-line pseudo Element

The "first-line" pseudo-element is used to set a special style to the first line of text.

In the following example, the browser will format the first line of text of the p element according to the style in the "first-line" pseudo-element:


<!DOCTYPE html>


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Note:" The first-line" pseudo-element can only be used on block-level elements.

Note: The following attributes can be applied to the "first-line" pseudo-element:

  • font attribute

  • color attribute

  • background attribute

  • word-spacing attribute

  • ##letter- spacing attribute

  • text-decoration attribute

  • vertical-align attribute

  • text-transform attribute

  • line-height attribute

  • clear attribute

:first-letter pseudo The element

"first-letter" pseudo-element is used to set a special style to the first letter of text:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8"> 

<p>你可以使用 "first-letter" 伪元素向文本的首字母设置特殊样式!</p>

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Note: "first-letter" pseudo-element can only be used for block-level elements .

Note: The following attributes can be applied to the "first-letter" pseudo-element:

  • font attribute

  • color property

  • background property

  • margin property

  • padding property

  • border attribute

  • text-decoration attribute

  • vertical-align attribute (only if "float: none")

  • text-transform attribute

  • line-height attribute

  • float attribute

  • clear attribute

Pseudo elements and CSS classes

Pseudo elements can be combined with CSS classes:

p.article:first-letter {color:#ff0000;}

<p class="article">Article paragraph</p>

The above example will make the first letter of all paragraphs with class article turn red.

Multiple pseudo-elements

Can be used in combination with multiple pseudo-elements.

In the example below, the first letter of the paragraph will be displayed in red and its font size will be xx-large. The rest of the text in the first line will be blue and appear in small caps.

The remaining text in the paragraph will be displayed with the default font size and color:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8"> 


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CSS - :before pseudo element

":before" pseudo element can be used in the content of the element Insert new content ahead.

The following example inserts an image before each <h1> element:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8"> 
h1:after {content:url(http://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/000/015/5c6a721a166be932.gif);}

<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<p>The :after pseudo-element inserts content after an element.</p>
<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<p><b>注意:</b>仅当!DOCTYPE 已经声明 IE8支持这个内容属性.</p>

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CSS - :after pseudo element

":after" pseudo element can be used in the element Insert new content after the content.

The following example inserts an image after each <h1> element:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8"> 
h1:after {content:url(http://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/000/015/5c6a721a166be932.gif);}

<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<p>The :after pseudo-element inserts content after an element.</p>
<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<p><b>注意:</b>仅当!DOCTYPE 已经声明 IE8支持这个内容属性.</p>

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Click the "Run Instance" button to view the online instance

All CSS pseudo-classes/elements

SelectorsExampleExample description
:linka:linkSelect all unvisited links
: visiteda:visitedSelect all visited links
:activea:activeSelect the active link
:hovera:hover The state of the mouse on the link
:focusinput:focusThe selected element has focus after input
:first-letterp:first-letterSelect the first letter of each <p> element
:first-linep:first-lineSelect the first of each <p> element Line
:first-childp:first-childThe selector matches the first element that belongs to any element The <]p> element of the child element
:beforep:before in each <p> ; Insert content before the element
:afterp:afterInsert after each <p> element Content
:lang(language)p:lang(it) is< ;p> Select a starting value for the lang attribute of the element