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What do div css and xhtml css mean respectively?_Basic Tutorial

2016-05-16 12:04:291742browse

I don’t know since when, you can see div css everywhere on the Internet. What is div css? Is it the legendary standard reconstruction? Isn't the standard from its simplest source of reasonable use of xhtml tags? But why are there still so many div css? Since div css can be used, why can't it be called span css ul css li css, etc.?

Doubts, my mind is full of questions! For this question, I went through everything in my mind from the bottom to the bottom.

A few years ago, everyone used tables to lay out the layout, one layer inside another. I didn’t find anything wrong with it. It was not long after the book "Website Reconstruction" came out that many people started using it. Discuss refactoring. I didn't know anything about so-called refactoring at that time. Of course, I still don't know it very well now. As for the book "Website Refactoring", I haven't read a few pages, so I can't say that I understand everything. But for now, there are still many friends who have converted from table layout, myself included.

After reading many tutorials on the Internet and many friends’ articles or questions mentioned, div is indispensable in the code structure. I even saw that in the code structure, except for the div tag in the body, I couldn't find any other tags used to process the structure. Perhaps it is because of this that div css appeared. Use div for layout and combine it with css to express the style. Is this the standard?

After replacing table with div and td with ul for arrangement, what about other xhtml tags?

Maybe some friends will say, "I use divs for layout, so I call it div css, and everyone calls it that now." Well, that's right, because div has no semantic meaning in xhtml and is a block element, so it is more reasonable to use in layout. But if the div is separated and called div css because of this, it seems to be on an equal footing with xhtml. It's like you are a junior, but you compete with your elders for seats. It's outrageous, isn't it?

After saying so much, I just hope that everyone will stop talking about div css in the future. Why can't we add 2 more letters and call it xhtml css? If you think this is not appropriate, then call it website reconstruction. You can also call yourself a website reconstruction engineer. What a nice name. You can't let others call you div css person.

In "Beyond CSS", they still recommend that you use less divs and more reasonable use of tags. Don't forget that there are many p and form tags in xhtml. Proper use of tags and a reasonable page structure will make it easier for your site to be searched and find important content. To put it simply, everyone knows that hn (n=1,2,3,4,5,6) is used in titles, so can p, form, and table also allow them to have their own position in the page structure? ?

The above are just some personal opinions on the div css that can be seen everywhere on the Internet in terms of text. Everyone criticizes the wrong parts of the text expression, but in the end, what I hope is not to call it div css anymore. div is not the main thing. The main one is xhtml.

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