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Solutions to common problems in xhtml css web page production_Experience exchange

2016-05-16 12:04:261851browse

No matter who you are, you will encounter problems of one kind or another in the process of creating a page, and if there is a problem, you must solve it. The prerequisite for solving the problem is to know where the problem is. For novices, they may not know where the problem is as soon as they see the problem. For example, in the "one more pig" problem in IE6, some problems require more experience exchange, sharing and absorption in order to grow better.

On the Internet, I think everyone has asked questions and needed answers from others, but often a question of yours does not get an answer from anyone, or is completely ignored. At this time, are you thinking, "Is it because my question is too simple and they don't want to answer it?" "Are they very busy, but they all have time to chat, why don't they help me, do they look down on me?" ?”, or have more psychological thoughts. I have encountered this before, and of course it is the same now, but why is this happening? I personally summarized it, and it goes something like this:

1. The way I asked the question was wrong, the information provided was incomplete, and they didn’t know how to help me answer the question
2. For questions of a code nature , and I wanted to keep my code and not let them see it, so I just took a screenshot and showed it to them
3. They are busy for the time being. They will look at it later and tell me what the problem is
4. They are helping me test now, instead of not looking at it for me. When the test results are available, they will tell me naturally (the premise is that the question method is correct, so that others can know what you are asking)

In fact, there are often Sometimes some problems are only caused by your inattention. Therefore, when you encounter a problem, you must first stay calm, then analyze the problem fundamentally, and then solve the problem. Below I will briefly share with you some of the ways I usually solve problems, hoping it will be helpful to some friends.

1. Check whether the page contains the declarations you need (standard declarations, non-standard declarations, transitional declarations, strict declarations)
2. Check whether the code is written incorrectly (sometimes an accidental declaration can be very It is possible to write wrong letters, and sometimes you need to pay attention to capitalization. For example, if you use lowercase in the style, and then use uppercase when calling it on the page)
3. Is the path written correctly? ( For some pictures or style calls)
4. Use Firebug or IE Developer tools to check the styles with debugging errors (you can search online for the use of these two plug-ins. It is estimated that there should be a lot. I No more nonsense)
5. Use the "elimination method" to solve the problem (this so-called "elimination method" is to delete a section of structure and retain the problematic section of structure; or directly copy the problematic structure and separate it Debugging one problem)

That’s all the nonsense. The main thing is to accumulate more solutions to problems and try more different methods. Generally, you will only remember the problem after you solve it yourself. profound!

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