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CSS style override rules

2018-06-12 15:51:042391browse

The following will bring you a comprehensive understanding of CSS style coverage rules. The content is quite good, so I will share it with you now and give it as a reference.

Everyone knows that the full name of CSS is "cascading style sheet", but it is estimated that many people do not know the meaning of the word "cascading". In fact, "cascading" refers to the overlay of styles. When an element is applied with multiple styles and there are style attributes with the same name, the browser must select an attribute value from them. This process is called "cascading". Style overlay (this name is more popular) follows certain rules. I had always vaguely understood this rule before, but it was not until I read "CSS: The Missing Manual" these days that it suddenly became clear. Below are some of my study notes.

First of all, it needs to be clear that many situations will cause an element to be applied with multiple styles. The rules for style coverage also need to be determined according to different situations. The specific rules are as follows.

Rule 1: When a style conflict occurs due to inheritance, the nearest ancestor wins.

The inheritance mechanism of CSS allows elements to inherit styles from the ancestor elements that contain it. Consider the following situation:

rule 1

welcome to gaodayue的网络日志

strong inherits from body and p respectively. The color attribute is added, but since p is closer to strong on the inheritance tree, the text in strong eventually inherits the blue color of p.

Rule 2: When the inherited style conflicts with the directly specified style, the directly specified style wins.

In the above example, if the style of the strong element is also specified, such as:

strong {color:red;}

Then according to rule 2, the text in strong will eventually be displayed in red.

Rule 3: When directly specified styles conflict, the one with the higher style weight wins.

The weight of the style depends on the style selector. The weight is defined in the following table.

CSS selector weight

Label selector 1
Class selector 10
ID selector 100
Inline style 1000
Pseudo element (:first-child, etc.) 1
Pseudo class (:link, etc.) 10

As you can see, the weight of the inline style>>ID selector>> class Selector>>Tag selector, in addition, the weight of descendant selectors is the sum of each weight, for example, the weight of "#nav .current a" is 100 10 1 = 111.

Rule 4: When the style weights are the same, the latter wins.

Consider the following situation

12 .byline   
 a {color:red;}p   
 .email {color:blue;}

".byline a" and "p.email" both directly specify the above a element, and the weight is 11 , according to rule 4, the final display is blue.

Since style sheets can be external or internal, Rule 4 reminds us to pay attention to the order in which external style sheets are introduced (and the order of 2cdf5bf648cf2f33323966d7f58a7f3f elements), as well as external style sheets and internal styles. The position where the table appears. Generally speaking, internal style sheets appear after the introduction of all external style sheets, usually before 9c3bca370b5104690d9ef395f2c5f8d1.

Rule 5: !important style attributes are not overridden.

!important can be seen as the "golden finger" to break the above four rules when it is absolutely necessary. If you must use a certain style attribute and prevent it from being overridden, you can add !important after the attribute value. Taking the example of rule 4 as an example, ".byline a {color:red !important;}" can Force the link to appear red. In most cases, style overrides can be controlled in other ways, and !important cannot be abused.

The above is the entire content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study. For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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The above is the detailed content of CSS style override rules. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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