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Boolean Education Yan Shiba Ajax Thorough Study Video Tutorial

"Boolean Education Yan Shiba Ajax Thorough Research Video Tutorial" gradually introduces the related concepts, principles, implementation methods and application methods of Ajax from the shallower to the deeper, including the concept of HTTP requests, simple syntax of PHP, JSON data format, Ajax Native and jQuery implementation, cross-domain, file upload and other knowledge points.
  • Difficulty:Advanced
  • Total of15 chapters
  • 32363 plays
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    PHP developer
    You will learn:

    Through the study of "Boolean Education Yan Shiba Ajax Thorough Research Video Tutorial", you can learn about Ajax concepts, HTTP request concepts, PHP simple syntax, JSON data format, Ajax's native and jQuery implementation, cross-domain knowledge, etc. You only need some knowledge Time, seemingly complex knowledge points, are actually paper tigers that will be broken by you when you poke them. You will not only understand the use of Ajax, but also understand the principles of Ajax and draw inferences from one example.

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