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Front-end series quick start course

Introduction Chapter Courseware
This course is designed to allow everyone to master js, react, webpack5 and other contents in the shortest time. The course content mainly includes js variables, arrays and objects, process control if else, switch case, loop control for, while, function, class, HTML DOM operation, memo app; learn the Hook operations of useState, useEffect and useRef; learn Configure webpack from scratch, stay away from webpack errors in front-end framework development, learn Loader and commonly used Plugins.
  • Difficulty:Elementary
  • Total of4 chapters
  • 2948 plays
  • About Instructor

    full-stack engineer
    You will learn:

    js: Learn variables, arrays and objects, process control if else, switch case, loop control for, while, function, category Class, HTML DOM operation, and memo app. react: Learn the Hook operations of useState, useEffect and useRef. webpack5:: Learn to configure webpack from scratch! Stay away from webpack mistakes in front-end framework development! Learn about Loader and commonly used Plugins.

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