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How to open source golang

2023-05-16 09:53:07541browse

As an emerging programming language, Golang (also known as Go) has considerable popularity and influence in the open source community. Open source is an important support for the development of Golang. Through open source, more developers can participate in the development and contribution of its code, injecting continuous vitality and innovation into its ecological development.

So, how does Golang become open source? This article will explore this topic from the following aspects.

  1. The definition and meaning of open source

First of all, we need to clarify what open source is and the meaning of open source. Open source means that the source code in the software is made public and allows free use, copying, modification and distribution. Open source software provides free rights to use, modify and redistribute, and also requires that the copyright, license, source and other information of the software be retained when using and distributing it.

The significance of open source is:

  1. Increase the credibility of software: Because the source code can be made public, users can view and review the code, which increases users’ trust in the software. .
  2. Improve the quality of software: By making the source code public, more developers can review and test the code, thereby improving the stability and security of the software.
  3. Promote technological innovation and progress: In the open source community, developers can share their experiences and technologies to promote technological innovation and progress.
  4. Golang’s open source license

Golang adopts the BSD license, which is a very permissive open source license that allows users to freely use, copy and distribute the software , and also allows users to modify the source code and use it commercially (such as using Golang as a company's product or service). However, one thing to note about the BSD license is that you need to retain the original copyright information and license when redistributing the source code.

  1. Storage and management of Golang open source code

Golang’s open source code is stored on GitHub, which is one of the world’s largest code hosting platforms. On GitHub, developers can view Golang's code, submit modification requests, discuss and solve problems, and more.

Developers can access Golang's source code repository in the following ways:


On GitHub, we can see that the Golang code base includes the Golang compiler, standard library, and runtime and other modules, these modules are essential components for running the Golang language. In addition, Golang also has some independent components and libraries, such as Etcd, Docker, etc. The source codes of these components or libraries are also placed on GitHub for developers to use and modify.

  1. How to contribute and submit code

In Golang’s open source community, every developer can contribute and submit their own code. The Golang community mainly uses GitHub as the code hosting platform. The process of submitting code is as follows:

  1. First, Fork the source code of the Golang code base on GitHub;
  2. In your own code base , modify and write;
  3. Submit a modification request (Pull Request) to the Golang maintenance team;
  4. The maintenance team will conduct code review and testing, and merge the passed code into the main code base .

It should be noted that since the Golang development team has certain code specifications and acceptance standards, you need to comply with these standards before submitting code and ensure the quality and security of the code.

  1. Conclusion

Open source is an important support for the development of Golang. Through open source, more developers can participate in the development and contribution of its code and contribute to its ecological development. Inject continuous vitality and innovation. In Golang's open source community, every developer can contribute and submit their own code. Therefore, we should actively participate in Golang's open source community and make our own contributions to the development of Golang.

The above is the detailed content of How to open source golang. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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