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A deep dive into golang static methods

2023-04-25 15:11:22845browse

Golang method static

Golang is a programming language that focuses on concise syntax and efficient programming. Due to its excellent performance, easy maintenance and flexibility, it has become a very popular programming language in recent years. one. In Golang, there is a concept called static method, which this article will explore in depth.

Introduction to static methods

First we need to understand what a method is. In Golang, methods are functions associated with a struct. It can access and modify the properties of a structure and is a basic concept in object-oriented programming. A static method refers to a method that does not depend on an instance. Normally, methods can only be called through an instance, but static methods do not require an instance to be called. It is a class-level operation and can be called before the class is instantiated, while ordinary methods can only be called after instantiation.

Definition of static methods

In Golang, we can define a method by adding a func (t type) before the function name. For static methods, you need to add the keyword static before the function name and method brackets, as shown below:

// 静态方法定义
func static (a int, b int) int {
  return a + b

// 普通方法定义
func (t Test) add (a int, b int) int {
  return a + b + t.Field

In the above code, we see that the first function (static) has the static keyword, There is no need to instantiate the related object before being called. The second function (add) needs to instantiate a Test object before calling its method.

Use of static methods

Using static methods allows us to conveniently call methods that do not depend on instances. For example, it is very convenient to use the static keyword in the following scenarios:

  • It is used for functions in function libraries, allowing callers to use them more intuitively
  • When there is no need to maintain state Used in tool functions, these functions only depend on their input parameters and calculation results, not on the object state.

The following is an example implemented using the static keyword:

package main

import (

type Circle struct {
  Radius int

// 普通方法
func (c Circle) area() float64 {
  return 3.14 * float64(c.Radius*c.Radius)

// 静态方法
func staticArea(c Circle) float64 {
  return 3.14 * float64(c.Radius*c.Radius)

func main() {
  c := Circle{Radius: 5}

  // 调用普通方法
  fmt.Println("Circle area:", c.area())

  // 调用静态方法
  fmt.Println("Static circle area:", staticArea(c))

In the above example, we define a Circle structure and define a common method area for it and a static method staticArea. In the main function, we create a Circle instance and call two methods respectively. You can see that ordinary methods need to instantiate a Circle object before calling, but static methods do not.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Static Methods

The use of static methods has the following advantages:

  • The method of the class can be called directly without instantiating the object
  • Avoids resource consumption caused by excessive instantiation
  • Allows programmers to regard it as a tool function, lowering the threshold for object-oriented understanding

However, static methods also have some disadvantages:

  • Excessive use of static methods may cause the program to gradually lose its object-oriented advantages
  • The instance attributes of the class cannot be accessed and can only be Parameters are used to operate, which limits the usage scenarios of static methods


Static methods are an important concept in Golang, which allow programmers to instantiate objects without , directly call the class method. Using it can reduce resource consumption, simplify code implementation, and lower the threshold for object-oriented understanding. However, excessive use of static methods may weaken the object-oriented advantages of the program, so it needs to be carefully considered according to the specific situation in actual applications.

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