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    Beginning PHP, Apache, MySQL web development

    2016-06-06 19:55:13原创391

    http://blog.csdn.net/topmvp - topmvp PHP, Apache, and MySQL are the three key open source technologies that form the basis for most active Web servers. This book takes you step-by-step through understanding each using it and combining it wi

    http://blog.csdn.net/topmvp - topmvp

    PHP, Apache, and MySQL are the three key open source technologies that form the basis for most active Web servers. This book takes you step-by-step through understanding each using it and combining it with the other two on both Linux and Windows servers.

    This book guides you through creating your own sites using the open source AMP model. You discover how to install PHP, Apache, and MySQL. Then you create PHP Web pages, including database management and security. Finally, you discover how to integrate your work with e-commerce and other technologies. By building different types of Web sites, you progress from setting up simple database tables to tapping the full potential of PHP, Apache, and MySQL.


    专题推荐:Beginning PHP Apache MySQL web
    上一篇:No Nonsense XML Web Development With PHP 下一篇:自己动手写 PHP MVC 框架(40节精讲/巨细/新人进阶必看)


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