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    Pro PHP: Patterns, Frameworks, Testing and More

    2016-06-06 19:55:11原创602

    http://blog.csdn.net/topmvp - topmvp Taking care to focus solely on those topics that will have the most impact on experienced PHP developers, Pro PHP is written for readers seeking to take their understanding of both PHP and sound software

    http://blog.csdn.net/topmvp - topmvp

    Taking care to focus solely on those topics that will have the most impact on experienced PHP developers, Pro PHP is written for readers seeking to take their understanding of both PHP and sound software development practices to the next level. Advanced objectCoriented features, documentation, debugging, software patterns, and the Standard PHP Library are just a few of the topics covered in extensive detail.

    Author and noted PHP expert Kevin McArthur also examines emerging practices and trends such as the MVC architecture as applied to PHP, with special emphasis placed upon the increasingly popular Zend Framework.

    With Ajax and web services crucial to the success of todays web applications, the book concludes with several chapters covering JSON, the SOAP extension, and advanced web services topics.








    专题推荐:Pro PHP Patterns Frameworks Te
    上一篇:用PHP实现Instagram滤镜效果 下一篇:自己动手写 PHP MVC 框架(40节精讲/巨细/新人进阶必看)


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