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    From zero to full visibility of MySQL in 3 minutes with Perc_MySQL

    2016-06-01 13:12:44原创473
    First, I would like to invite you to my webinar, “Monitoring All (Yes, All!) MySQL Metrics with Percona Cloud Tools,” on Wednesday, June 25 at 10 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time, where I will talk on the
    new features inPercona Cloud Tools, including monitoring capabilities.

    In this post I’d like to show the cool and interesting things we’ve implemented in Percona Cloud Tools, including the recently releasedagentthat Daniel also talks about here inthis post.

    Basically our agent allows users to collectALL MySQL metricsplus important environment’s metrics, like CPU, memory, IO stats.

    And when I talk all MySQL it is:

    So you see we collect more than 1000 points. We collect dataevery second, aggregate per minute and it becomes available with a 1-minute resolution, but with descriptive stats likemin, max, avg, median, 5%-percentile, 95%-percentileof collected data. We found this represents data better than 1-sec points, which can be a quite noisy.

    So for example this is how a chart with MySQL command counters looks like:
    Image 12

    If you do not have MySQL, in fact, you can just monitor your OS without MySQL if you need to.
    For example CPU stats
    Image 9

    Please note you can see a value at any point in the past. We even can go to week range and see values several days ago
    Image 10
    You can choose a custom timerange back to hours, days, weeks, etc with zoom-in capabilities.

    Why do we need avg, min, max stats? Let see Peter’s graph from a server with periodical stalls.

    Averaging metric smooths the line, and really hides the problem, while withminwe are able to see that throughput drops to zero, that means that during some seconds the server did not execute any queries (which is essentially stalls)

    More about the agent.

    Our percona-agent is open source. This is our way of sharing our Go knowledge, and also you can check that we do not do anything insane on your server (like bitcoin mining or black magic regression modeling math).

    You can see source code herehttps://github.com/percona/percona-agent:
    and pre-compiled binaries are available fromour website:

    What is also interesting about our technology is that we use a permanent connection (based on WebSockets technology, so it looks like a connection to web browser) between an agent and our servers. This way
    we support a bi-directional real-time communication betweenhttps://cloud.percona.com/and an agent.

    That means you can manage an agent and receive data updates at the same time. Pretty cool, yeah?

    Our agent comes with “minimal efforts” in mind.

    The goal ofPercona Cloud Toolsis to provide you with FULL visibility on what’s going on inside your system right now or at some point in the past, and to gain additional insights on your database server.

    Our tools are useful not only if you have hundreds of database servers to manage, but pretty much for single installations, too. Well, of course, we always can runmysql -e "SHOW GLOBAL STATUS" , vmstat 10 ; iostat -dxm 10manually when we need to troubleshoot something, but is it not useful to collect all this data automatically and be able to go to any point in the past?

    You canregister for the Betaright now. No invitation is needed, but it may take sometime for us to activate your account, we see a quite a demand right now and we need to prime our servers.

    And what’s important, eventually our tools will require a payment, but we will always provide a free level, which will be useful enough for small accounts (this is not a bait-and-switch 30-days trial approach).

    上一篇:MySQL的一些基本操作_MySQL 下一篇:牛的东西


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