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What are the processing methods of Json in Java?

2023-05-16 18:10:062410browse

    Various processing of Java Json

    1. net.sf.json

    1. Json to Map

    JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject(jsonStr);
    Map map = new HashMap<>();
    map.put("code",jsonObject .getInt("code"));

    2. Convert Json to entity

    JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject(jsonStr);
    ArticleForm articleForm = (ArticleForm) JSONObject.toBean(jsonObject , ArticleForm.class);

    If the entity has a List field, you need to specify the generic type

    Map classMap = new HashMap();
    classMap.put("keywords", String.class);
    ArticleForm articleForm = (ArticleForm) JSONObject.toBean(data.getJSONObject(i), ArticleForm.class,classMap);

    3. Convert Json to collection

    List list = new ArrayList<>();
    JSONArray data = jsonObject.getJSONArray("data");
    if (errorCode == 0 && data != null && !data.isEmpty()) {
        for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
            Map classMap = new HashMap();
            classMap.put("keywords", String.class);
            ArticleForm articleForm = (ArticleForm) JSONObject.toBean(data.getJSONObject(i), ArticleForm.class,classMap);

    Another one:

    List list = new ArrayList<>();
    JSONArray data = jsonObject.getJSONArray("data");
    if (errorCode == 0 && data != null && !data.isEmpty()) {
        Map classMap = new HashMap();
        classMap.put("keywords", String.class);
        list  = (List) JSONArray.toArray(data, ArticleForm.class,classMap);

    2. com.alibaba.fastjson

    1. Convert Json to Map

    JSONObject jsonObject = JSON.parseObject(jsonStr);
    Map map = new HashMap<>();
    map.put("code",jsonObject .getInt("code"));

    2. Convert Json to entity

    ArticleForm articleForm = JSON.parseObject(jsonStr, new TypeReference() {});

    3. Convert Json to collection

    List list = JSON.parseObject(jsonStr,new TypeReference>() {});

    Java commonly used json processing

    // String和json的互相转换
            String str = "{\"status\":200,\"message\":\"\",\"data\":{\"KmList\":[\"总分\",\"语文\",\"数学\",\"英语\",\"道德与法治\",\"科学基础\"]}}";
    //        JSONArray arrays = JSON.parseArray(str);        // string转jsonArray
            JSONObject jsonObject = JSON.parseObject(str);    // string转jsonObject
            String s = jsonObject.toJSONString();             // json(object和Array相同)转string
            // json转list或者object
            String str1 = "[\"总分\",\"语文\",\"数学\",\"英语\",\"道德与法治\",\"科学基础\"]";
            List list = JSON.parseArray(str1, String.class); // json转list集合,将String.class改成其他对象.class即可
            String s1 = JSON.parseObject(JSON.toJSONString("语文"), String.class);       // json转对象,将String.class改成其他对象.class即可
            // object转字符串后即可转jsonObject或者jsonArray
            // json和map
            Map map = new HashMap<>();
            String json = JSON.toJSONString(map);//map转String
            Map  map1 = JSON.parseObject(json, Map.class);     // 转List parserArray即可

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