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php convert object to string array

2023-05-11 09:26:06380browse

PHP is a widely used open source scripting language for developing web applications. In PHP, an object is a special type of data structure that can contain properties and methods and can be considered a custom data type. Often, developers need to convert objects into string arrays in PHP applications for data processing and passing. This article explains how to convert an object into an array of strings.

Generally speaking, there are two ways to represent objects in PHP:

  1. Instantiated objects: By calling the constructor of a class, you can create an object instance. For example:
class Person {
  public $name;
  public $age;

$person = new Person();
$person->name = 'Tom';
$person->age = 25;
  1. Anonymous object: You can directly define an object without instantiating the object. For example:
$person = (object) [
  'name' => 'Tom',
  'age' => 25

Regardless of the object representation method, it can be converted to a string array. To convert an object into a string array, you usually need to break up the object's attributes to form an associative array or an index array.

  1. Convert the object into an associative array

The properties of the object can be accessed using the "->" operator, for example $person->name can get the object$ The name attribute of person. The properties of the object are broken into associative arrays, and each property is a key-value pair in the array. For example:

$assoc_arr = (array) $person;

The output result is:

Array (
  [name] => Tom
  [age] => 25

This is an associative array, and each attribute becomes a key-value pair in the array. You can use the key() and current() functions to iterate over these key-value pairs in the array.

  1. Convert the object into an index array

If the object's attribute name is not a keyword in the associative array (such as name and age), you can break up the object's attributes is the index array. You can use the get_object_vars() function to get all the properties of an object and then use them as values ​​in an indexed array in a loop. For example:

$index_arr = [];
foreach (get_object_vars($person) as $value) {
  array_push($index_arr, $value);

The output result is:

Array ([0] => Tom [1] => 25)

This is an index array, and the value of each attribute becomes an element in the array. You can use the array_shift() function to get and delete the first element in an array.


In PHP applications, converting objects to string arrays is a very common operation. The properties of the object can be broken up into associative arrays or index arrays to implement data processing and transmission. Using the functions and operators provided by PHP, objects can be efficiently manipulated and transformed to suit the needs of the application.

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