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Let’s talk about how CSS and JS block DOM parsing and rendering

2021-05-26 10:57:092562browse

This article will introduce to you the principle of CSS and JS blocking DOM parsing and rendering. It has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Let’s talk about how CSS and JS block DOM parsing and rendering

#hello~ Dear readers, hello everyone. I guess everyone has heard that try to put CSS at the head and JS at the bottom, which can improve the performance of the page. However, why? Have you considered it? For a long time, I knew it but didn't know why. Of course it was OK to memorize it for exams, but it would be a mess in actual application. So wash (wang) heart (yang) leather (bu) face (lao) and summarize the recent results.

Friendly reminder, this article is mainly for beginners. If you want to see the conclusion directly, you can scroll to the bottom~

Because it is related to the reading of files, that is for sure If you need a server, I will put all the files on github, give me a star and I will be happy!

nodeThe only thing that needs to be explained is this function:

function sleep(time) {
  return new Promise(function(res) {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, time);

Hmm! In fact, it’s delayed. If the CSS or JS file name has a prefix such as sleep3000, it means that the file will be returned after a delay of 3000 milliseconds.

The HTML file used below looks like this:


I will insert different JS and CSS## into it #.


common.css used, regardless of whether there is a prefix or not, the content is like this:

div {
  background: lightblue;

Okay, not much to say, let’s start the text!



CSS, everyone must know that the 2cdf5bf648cf2f33323966d7f58a7f3f tag is placed in the head performance It will be a little higher, and fewer people know that if 3f1c4e4b6b16bbbd69b2ee476dc4f83a and 2cdf5bf648cf2f33323966d7f58a7f3f are on the head at the same time, 3f1c4e4b6b16bbbd69b2ee476dc4f83a may be on top. better. Why is this? Let's take a look at the impact of CSS on DOM.

CSS will not block the parsing of DOM

Attention! What we are talking about here is

DOM parsing. The proof example is as follows. First insert 0ae1b4d46209f6ceeffd5e5bfdf0d62e2cacc6d41bbb37262a98f745aa00fbf0 in the header. , the content of the JS file is:

const div = document.querySelector('div');

defer attribute I believe everyone is familiar with it, MDNThe description of this is to inform The browser script will be executed after the document completes parsing and before the DOMContentLoaded event is triggered. Setting this property ensures that div is printed out immediately after DOM is parsed.

Then insert

543e3ac3fa0097a8f621679f25783927 into any position of the HTML file, When you open the browser, you can see that the DOM node div is first printed, and after about 3 seconds, a light blue div is rendered. This proves that CSS will not block the parsing of DOM. Although CSS takes 3 seconds to download, the browser will not wait stupidly during this process. CSSAfter downloading, DOM will be parsed.

Let me briefly explain here, the browser parses

DOM to generate DOM Tree, and combines CSS to generate CSS Tree , finally form render tree, and then render the page. It can be seen that CSS has no influence on DOM Tree during this process, so there is no need to block DOM parsing. However, DOM Tree and CSS Tree will be combined into render tree, so will CSS block the rendering of the page?

CSS Blocking page rendering

In fact, the example just explained this point, if

CSS will not block If the page blocks rendering, then the browser will render a light green div before the CSS file is downloaded, and then turn to light blue. This strategy of the browser is actually very wise. Imagine that without this strategy, the page would first show an original appearance, and then suddenly change its appearance after CSS is downloaded. The user experience is extremely poor, and rendering is costly.

Therefore, based on performance and user experience considerations, the browser will try to reduce the number of renderings,

CSS naturally blocks page rendering.

However, things are always weird, please look at this example,

HTMLThe header structure is as follows:

But think about what results this will produce?

答案是浏览器会转圈圈三秒,但此过程中不会打印任何东西,之后呈现出一个浅蓝色的div,再打印出null。结果好像是CSS不单阻塞了页面渲染,还阻塞了DOM 的解析啊!稍等,在你打算掀桌子疯狂吐槽我之前,请先思考一下是什么阻塞了DOM 的解析,刚才已经证明了CSS是不会阻塞的,那么阻塞了页面解析其实是JS!但明明JS的代码如此简单,肯定不会阻塞这么久,那就是JS在等待CSS的下载,这是为什么呢?





JS 阻塞 DOM 解析


const arr = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) {
  arr.splice(i % 3, i % 7, i % 5);
const div = document.querySelector('div');


结果估计大家也能想象得到,浏览器转圈圈一会,这过程中不会有任何东西出现。之后打印出null,再出现一个浅绿色的div。现象就足以说明JS 阻塞 DOM 解析了。其实原因也很好理解,浏览器并不知道脚本的内容是什么,如果先行解析下面的DOM,万一脚本内全删了后面的DOM,浏览器就白干活了。更别谈丧心病狂的document.write。浏览器无法预估里面的内容,那就干脆全部停住,等脚本执行完再干活就好了。



浏览器遇到 3f1c4e4b6b16bbbd69b2ee476dc4f83a 标签时,会触发页面渲染







  • CSS will not block the parsing of DOM, but will block the rendering of DOM.
  • JS Blocks DOM parsing, but the browser will "peep" DOM and download related resources in advance.
  • When the browser encounters a tag with 3f1c4e4b6b16bbbd69b2ee476dc4f83a and no defer or async attribute, it will trigger page rendering, so if the previous CSSWhen the resource has not been loaded, the browser will wait for it to be loaded before executing the script.

So, you now understand why 3f1c4e4b6b16bbbd69b2ee476dc4f83a is best to put it at the bottom, 2cdf5bf648cf2f33323966d7f58a7f3f is best to put it at the head, if the head is both When there are 3f1c4e4b6b16bbbd69b2ee476dc4f83a and 2cdf5bf648cf2f33323966d7f58a7f3f, it is best to put 3f1c4e4b6b16bbbd69b2ee476dc4f83a in 2cdf5bf648cf2f33323966d7f58a7f3fIs it above?

Thank you all for reading this. I hope this article will be helpful to you. If you have different or better opinions, please feel free to enlighten me! Thank you~

Original address: https://juejin.cn/post/6844903497599549453

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