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what website is tumblr

2021-02-04 10:54:5812911browse

tumblr (Chinese name: Tumblr) is a light blogging website and a social networking website. Tumblr is a new media form between traditional blogs and Weibo. It focuses on expression, social interaction, and personalization.

what website is tumblr

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Tumblr (/ˈtʌmblər/, Chinese name: Tumblr) was founded in 2007. It is currently the largest light blogging website in the world and the ancestor of light blogging websites. Tumblr is a new media form between traditional blogs and Weibo. It focuses on expression, social interaction, and personalized settings. It has become one of the most popular social networking sites among young people.

Tumblr follows the traditional blog form and evolves it into a stream-of-consciousness trivial narrative. The log is short and concise, and the trigger point is very random - it can be a photo, a video, an introduction, or a message. A link or even a thought. Although Tumblr is not based on Twitter (it is based on "Tumblelogs", such as projectionist or Anarchaia), Twitter's success provides a way for the development of more microblogging applications. Tumblr is actually a service somewhere between Twitter and a traditional full-featured blog. As of 2013, the website had more than 20 million users, and Tumblr said it would further provide value-added services. Before using Tumblr, you need to register an account on the official website and open your own Weibo. Tumblr not only supports posting Weibo on this site, but can also synchronize it to Facebook and Twitter.

The word "Tumblr" comes from the transliteration of Tumblr, and is occasionally nicknamed "Tumblr" by netizens in mainland China. The Chinese name "Tumblr" not only has the same pronunciation as Tumblr's English pronunciation, but also has a richer meaning. In the word "tang bole", the word "tang" is an auxiliary sound. Although it has the original meaning of food, it here symbolizes beautiful things; the word "bo" not only has a broad and profound meaning, but also refers to light blogging and social networking Internet; the word "乐" means happiness. "Tang Bole" not only has the same pronunciation as Tumblr, but also has a clear meaning, elegant appearance, and is a high-quality Chinese name.

Tumblr attracts 15 million unique users and 61 million page views every month. These numbers may sound exaggerated, but they still show its vitality.

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