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    关于Zend Framework如何实现将session存储在memcache中

    不言不言2018-06-15 14:43:36原创520
    这篇文章主要介绍了Zend Framework实现将session存储在memcache中的方法,结合实例形式分析了Zend Framework框架下将session存储在memcache的实现技巧,需要的朋友可以参考下

    本文实例讲述了Zend Framework实现将session存储在memcache中的方法。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下:

    在zend framework中,已经可以将session存储在数据库中了,不过还不支持memcache,我简单得实现了一下。

    下面是SaveHandler,文件名为 :Memcached.php ,将其放在 /Zend/Session/SaveHandler 目录下,代码如下(需要有php_memcache支持,因为字符长度限制,我把部分注释去掉了):

    require_once 'Zend/Session.php';
    require_once 'Zend/Config.php';
    class Zend_Session_SaveHandler_Memcached implements Zend_Session_SaveHandler_Interface
      const LIFETIME     = 'lifetime';
      const OVERRIDE_LIFETIME = 'overrideLifetime';
      const MEMCACHED      = 'memcached';
      protected $_lifetime = false;
      protected $_overrideLifetime = false;
      protected $_sessionSavePath;
      protected $_sessionName;
      protected $_memcached;
       * Constructor
       * $config is an instance of Zend_Config or an array of key/value pairs containing configuration options for
       * Zend_Session_SaveHandler_Memcached . These are the configuration options for
       * Zend_Session_SaveHandler_Memcached:
       *   sessionId    => The id of the current session
       *   sessionName   => The name of the current session
       *   sessionSavePath => The save path of the current session
       * modified      => (string) Session last modification time column
       * lifetime     => (integer) Session lifetime (optional; default: ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime'))
       * overrideLifetime => (boolean) Whether or not the lifetime of an existing session should be overridden
       *   (optional; default: false)
       * @param Zend_Config|array $config   User-provided configuration
       * @return void
       * @throws Zend_Session_SaveHandler_Exception
      public function __construct($config)
        if ($config instanceof Zend_Config) {
          $config = $config->toArray();
        } else if (!is_array($config)) {
           * @see Zend_Session_SaveHandler_Exception
          require_once 'Zend/Session/SaveHandler/Exception.php';
          throw new Zend_Session_SaveHandler_Exception(
            '$config must be an instance of Zend_Config or array of key/value pairs containing '
           . 'configuration options for Zend_Session_SaveHandler_Memcached .');
        foreach ($config as $key => $value) {
          do {
            switch ($key) {
              case self::MEMCACHED:
              case self::LIFETIME:
              case self::OVERRIDE_LIFETIME:
                // unrecognized options passed to parent::__construct()
                break 2;
          } while (false);
       * 创建memcached连接对象
       * @return void
      public function createMemcached($config){
       $mc = new Memcache;
       foreach ($config as $value){
        $mc->addServer($value['ip'], $value['port']);
       $this->_memcached = $mc;
      public function __destruct()
       * Set session lifetime and optional whether or not the lifetime of an existing session should be overridden
       * $lifetime === false resets lifetime to session.gc_maxlifetime
       * @param int $lifetime
       * @param boolean $overrideLifetime (optional)
       * @return Zend_Session_SaveHandler_Memcached
      public function setLifetime($lifetime, $overrideLifetime = null)
        if ($lifetime < 0) {
           * @see Zend_Session_SaveHandler_Exception
          require_once 'Zend/Session/SaveHandler/Exception.php';
          throw new Zend_Session_SaveHandler_Exception();
        } else if (empty($lifetime)) {
          $this->_lifetime = (int) ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime');
        } else {
          $this->_lifetime = (int) $lifetime;
        if ($overrideLifetime != null) {
        return $this;
       * Retrieve session lifetime
       * @return int
      public function getLifetime()
        return $this->_lifetime;
       * Set whether or not the lifetime of an existing session should be overridden
       * @param boolean $overrideLifetime
       * @return Zend_Session_SaveHandler_Memcached
      public function setOverrideLifetime($overrideLifetime)
        $this->_overrideLifetime = (boolean) $overrideLifetime;
        return $this;
      public function getOverrideLifetime()
        return $this->_overrideLifetime;
       * Retrieve session lifetime considering
       * @param array $value
       * @return int
      public function open($save_path, $name)
        $this->_sessionSavePath = $save_path;
        $this->_sessionName   = $name;
        return true;
       * Retrieve session expiration time
       * @param * @param array $value
       * @return int
      public function close()
        return true;
      public function read($id)
        $return = '';
        $value = $this->_memcached->get($id); //获取数据
        if ($value) {
          if ($this->_getExpirationTime($value) > time()) {
            $return = $value['data'];
          } else {
        return $return;
      public function write($id, $data)
        $return = false;
        $insertDate = array('modified' => time(),
                   'data'   => (string) $data);
          $value = $this->_memcached->get($id); //获取数据
        if ($value) {
          $insertDate['lifetime'] = $this->_getLifetime($value);
          if ($this->_memcached->replace($id,$insertDate)) {
            $return = true;
        } else {
          $insertDate['lifetime'] = $this->_lifetime;
          if ($this->_memcached->add($id, $insertDate,false,$this->_lifetime)) {
            $return = true;
        return $return;
      public function destroy($id)
        $return = false;
        if ($this->_memcached->delete($id)) {
          $return = true;
        return $return;
      public function gc($maxlifetime)
        return true;
      protected function _getLifetime($value)
        $return = $this->_lifetime;
        if (!$this->_overrideLifetime) {
          $return = (int) $value['lifetime'];
        return $return;
      protected function _getExpirationTime($value)
        return (int) $value['modified'] + $this->_getLifetime($value);


    $config = array(
      'memcached'=> array(
      'lifetime' =>123334
    //create your Zend_Session_SaveHandler_DbTable and
    //set the save handler for Zend_Session
    Zend_Session::setSaveHandler(new Zend_Session_SaveHandler_Memcached($config));
    //start your session!




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    以上就是关于Zend Framework如何实现将session存储在memcache中的详细内容,更多请关注php中文网其它相关文章!

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