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    php mysql数据库连接类程序代码_PHP教程

    2016-07-13 17:04:33原创392
    php教程 mysql教程数据库教程连接类程序代码

    class cls_mysql{
    var $querynum = 0;
    var $link;
    var $histories;

    var $dbhost;
    var $dbuser;
    var $dbpw;
    var $dbcharset;
    var $pconnect;
    var $tablepre;
    var $time;

    var $goneaway = 5;

    function connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw, $dbname = '', $dbcharset = '', $pconnect = 0, $tablepre='', $time = 0) {
    $this->dbhost = $dbhost;
    $this->dbuser = $dbuser;
    $this->dbpw = $dbpw;
    $this->dbname = $dbname;
    $this->dbcharset = $dbcharset;
    $this->pconnect = $pconnect;
    $this->tablepre = $tablepre;
    $this->time = $time;

    if($pconnect) {
    if(!$this->link = mysql_pconnect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw)) {
    $this->halt('can not connect to mysql server');
    } else {
    if(!$this->link = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw)) {
    $this->halt('can not connect to mysql server');

    if($this->version() > '4.1') {
    if($dbcharset) {
    mysql_query("set character_set_connection=".$dbcharset.", character_set_results=".$dbcharset.", character_set_client=binary", $this->link);

    if($this->version() > '5.0.1') {
    mysql_query("set sql_mode=''", $this->link);

    if($dbname) {
    mysql_select_db($dbname, $this->link);


    function fetch_array($query, $result_type = mysql_assoc) {
    return mysql_fetch_array($query, $result_type);

    function result_first($sql) {
    $query = $this->query($sql);
    return $this->result($query, 0);

    function fetch_first($sql) {
    $query = $this->query($sql);
    return $this->fetch_array($query);

    function fetch_all($sql, $id = '') {
    $arr = array();
    $query = $this->query($sql);
    while($data = $this->fetch_array($query)) {
    $id ? $arr[$data[$id]] = $data : $arr[] = $data;
    return $arr;

    function cache_gc() {
    $this->query("delete from {$this->tablepre}sqlcaches where expiry<$this->time");

    function query($sql, $type = '', $cachetime = false) {
    $func = $type == 'unbuffered' && @function_exists('mysql_unbuffered_query') ? 'mysql_unbuffered_query' : 'mysql_query';
    if(!($query = $func($sql, $this->link)) && $type != 'silent') {
    $this->halt('mysql query error', $sql);
    $this->histories[] = $sql;
    return $query;

    function affected_rows() {
    return mysql_affected_rows($this->link);

    function error() {
    return (($this->link) ? mysql_error($this->link) : mysql_error());

    function errno() {
    return intval(($this->link) ? mysql_errno($this->link) : mysql_errno());

    function result($query, $row) {
    $query = @mysql_result($query, $row);
    return $query;

    function num_rows($query) {
    $query = mysql_num_rows($query);
    return $query;

    function num_fields($query) {
    return mysql_num_fields($query);

    function free_result($query) {
    return mysql_free_result($query);

    function insert_id() {
    return ($id = mysql_insert_id($this->link)) >= 0 ? $id : $this->result($this->query("select last_insert_id()"), 0);

    function fetch_row($query) {
    $query = mysql_fetch_row($query);
    return $query;

    function fetch_fields($query) {
    return mysql_fetch_field($query);

    function version() {
    return mysql_get_server_info($this->link);

    function close() {
    return mysql_close($this->link);

    function halt($message = '', $sql = '') {
    $error = mysql_error();
    $errorno = mysql_errno();
    if($errorno == 2006 && $this->goneaway-- > 0) {
    $this->connect($this->dbhost, $this->dbuser, $this->dbpw, $this->dbname, $this->dbcharset, $this->pconnect, $this->tablepre, $this->time);
    } else {
    $s = 'error:'.$error.'
    $s .= 'errno:'.$errorno.'
    $s .= 'sql::'.$sql;

    www.bkjia.comtruehttp://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/630849.htmlTechArticlephp教程 mysql教程数据库教程连接类程序代码 class cls_mysql{ var $querynum = 0; var $link; var $histories; var $dbhost; var $dbuser; var $dbpw; var $dbcharset; var $p...

    专题推荐:php mysql 数据库 连接 程序 代码 php 教程 mysql 数据库 连接 程序 代码 class c
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