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    php幻术方法: _get() 和 _set()的妙用

    2016-06-13 13:20:01原创434
    php魔术方法: __get() 和 __set()的妙用


    _setters)) {
          return $this->$property;
        else if (method_exists($this, '_get_' . $property))
          return call_user_func(array($this, '_get_' . $property));
        else if (in_array($property, $this->_getters) OR method_exists($this, '_set_' . $property))
          throw new Exception('Property "' . $property . '" is write-only.');
          throw new Exception('Property "' . $property . '" is not accessible.');
      public function __set($property, $value) {
        if (in_array($property, $this->_getters)) {
          $this->$property = $value;
        else if (method_exists($this, '_set_' . $property))
          call_user_func(array($this, '_set_' . $property), $value);
        else if (in_array($property, $this->_setters) OR method_exists($this, '_get_' . $property))
          throw new Exception('Property "' . $property . '" is read-only.');
          throw new Exception('Property "' . $property . '" is not accessible.');
    This way the variables in the $_getters array can be read from the outside and the variables in the $_setters array can be modified from the outside, like this:
    title = 'Hello, World';
    echo $post->title;
    // The following will throw an exception since $comments is read-only:
    $post->comments = 23;
    And in case you need a less generic getter or setter at some point, you can remove the variable from the $_getters or $_setters array and implement a method like:
    title = str_replace('World', 'Universe', $value);
    And from the outside the property could still be used with:
    title = 'Hello, World!';



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