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    PHP 5.4.10跟PHP 5.3.20发布

    2016-06-13 12:57:41原创421
    PHP 5.4.10和PHP 5.3.20发布
    PHP 5.4.10和PHP 5.3.20发布,经过1个RC 上个版本是2012-11-22的5.4.9/5.3.19,本次修正了超过20个Bug以及几个安全漏洞。



    完全改进:20 Dec 2012, PHP 5.4.10

    - Core:
    . 修正 bug #63635 (Segfault in gc_collect_cycles). (Dmitry)
    . 修正 bug #63512 (parse_ini_file() with INI_SCANNER_RAW removes quotes
    from value). (Pierrick)
    . 修正 bug #63468 (wrong called method as callback with inheritance).
    . 修正 bug #63451 (config.guess file does not have AIX 7 defined,
    shared objects are not created). (kemcline at au1 dot ibm dot com)
    . 修正 bug #61557 (Crasher in tt-rss backend.php).
    (i dot am dot jack dot mail at gmail dot com)
    . 修正 bug #61272 (ob_start callback gets passed empty string).
    (Mike, casper at langemeijer dot eu)

    - Date:
    . 修正 bug #63666 (Poor date() performance). (Paul Talborg).
    . 修正 bug #63435 (Datetime::format('u') sometimes wrong by 1 microsecond).

    - Imap:
    . 修正 bug #63126 (DISABLE_AUTHENTICATOR ignores array). (Remi)

    - Json:
    . 修正 bug #63588 (use php_next_utf8_char and remove duplicate
    implementation). (Remi)

    - MySQLi:
    . 修正 bug #63361 (missing header). (Remi)

    - MySQLnd:
    . 修正 bug #63398 (Segfault when polling closed link). (Laruence)

    - Fileinfo:
    . 修正 bug #63590 (Different results in TS and NTS under Windows).

    - FPM:
    . 修正 bug #63581 Possible null dereference and buffer overflow (Remi)

    - Pdo_sqlite:
    . 修正 Bug #63149 getColumnMeta should return the table name
    when system SQLite used. (Remi)

    - Apache2 Handler SAPI:
    . Enabled Apache 2.4 configure option for Windows (Pierre, Anatoliy)

    - Reflection:
    . 修正 Bug #63614 (Fatal error on Reflection). (Laruence)

    - SOAP
    . 修正 bug #63271 (SOAP wsdl cache is not enabled after initial requests).
    (John Jawed, Dmitry)

    - Sockets
    . 修正 bug #49341 (Add SO_REUSEPORT support for socket_set_option()).
    (Igor Wiedler, Lars)
    专题推荐:nbsp Bug PHP Remi dot
    上一篇: 自个儿编写的PHP开源社区cms版,欢迎体验~ 下一篇: 30岁ITWEB开发人员的纳闷


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