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    推荐30个新鲜出炉的精美 jQuery 效果_jquery

    2016-05-16 17:54:51原创774
    jQuery 的易扩展性吸引了来自全球的开发者来共同编写 jQuery 插件,这些优秀的 jQuery 插件不仅能够增强网站的可用性,有效的改善用户体验,还可以加快开发速度,节省开发时间。

    Image Slider, Light Boxes01. 3D Gallery

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    02. Book Transition Pages

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    03. Image Hover Effects

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    04. Swish Zoom Hover Effect

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    05. Slider With Modern Effects

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    06. Elastic Image Slider

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    07. Awesome Slide Show

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    08. Flexible notifications

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    09. Powerful Scrolling

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    10. UI Bootstrap

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    11. Stylish Accordion

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    12. On-demand Search Box

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    13. Colorful Tool Tip

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    14. Shiny Knob Control

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    15. Thumbnail Proximity

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    16. Image Transitions

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    17. Multiple style Slideshow

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    18. Video Player

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    19. Photo Album

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    Form Effects01. Cool Captcha

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    02. Apple Like Login Form

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    Menus Effects01. list items menu

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    02. Simple Link Box navigation

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    03. Multi Level Hierarchical Menu

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    Text Effects01. Curving Text

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    02. Text Scrollorama

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    03. Count Down Timer

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    04. Item Blur

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    05. Typography Effect

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    06. Smarter Text Input Fields

    30+ Fresh and Outstanding Jquery Effects Roundups from 2012

    专题推荐:jQuery 效果
    上一篇:javascript工具库代码_基础知识 下一篇:自己动手写 PHP MVC 框架(40节精讲/巨细/新人进阶必看)


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