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    Morphia Version 0.101 Released

    2016-06-07 16:30:58原创453

    The Java Team has released Morphia, version 0.101. Rumors of Morphia’s demise have been greatly exaggerated. This release formalizes the 0.99-SNAPSHOT code that many have been using for years. Apart from some formatting and minor style ch

    The Java Team has released Morphia, version 0.101. Rumors of Morphia’s demise have been greatly exaggerated.

    This release formalizes the 0.99-SNAPSHOT code that many have been using for years. Apart from some formatting and minor style changes, there is no functional change from what’s been on Google Code for the past few years.

    We’re currently doing a follow-up release to incorporate the enhancements made in James Green’s fork. At that point, we can start working through the backlog of issues logged against Morphia and begin evolving the project.

    As part of the mission to revive the project, we’ve migrated the Morphia code (and wiki, and issues) from Google Code to GitHub. This should make it much easier to contribute to Morphia via pull requests. Feel free to submit pull requests for the bugs or irritating documentation fixes that you want. The Google Code site will notify users that Github is now the place to be. You can find the Github repo here

    We released 0.101 into Maven Central, so you’ll be able to get your updated version and future versions easily through Maven or Gradle. You can find the release notes here Github.

    Further down the line, Morphia will run on the new Java driver that we’ve been working on all year.

    We’re aware that the community has been somewhat split between the snapshot release and James’s fork, and we’ve spoken to James Green, who has maintained Morphia for awhile, about our plans. We want to make sure that we’re all moving in the same direction and that we involve the community in our efforts. We’d like to thank James for the work he’s done so far keeping Morphia alive, and look forward to working with him and the whole Morphia community more closely in the future.

    The Java Team: Jeff Yemin, Justin Lee & Trisha Gee





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