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Website Building Guide  update time:2022-04-01 15:26:43

HTML Guide

HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language (Hyper Text Markup Language)

HTML is the main language for building websites/webpages.

HTML is an easy-to-learn markup language.

HTML uses tags like <p> within angle brackets to define the content of a web page:



<h1>My First Heading</h1>

<p>My first paragraph.</p>


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HTML uses opening tags and closing tags to mark a web page element: In the above example, < The ;p> tag marks the beginning of a paragraph, and the </p> tag marks the end of the paragraph.

By using simple HTML tags, web designers can add titles, paragraphs, text, tables, pictures, lists, programming codes, etc. to a web page (HTML document).

Web browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) read HTML documents, interpret HTML tags, and display correct user-readable content (without displaying HTML tags):

According to the HTML standard, HTML can be used to define the content of a web page. /p>

To define visual styles (color, size, appearance, layout, etc.), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) should be used (see next chapter).

How to learn HTML?

W3CSchool provides a complete HTML tutorial, you can learn all about HTML.

HTML is easy to learn - you'll love it.

Study our complete HTML tutorial

Study our complete HTML reference manual