PHP는 간단한 소스 코드 구문 강조 기능을 구현합니다.

풀어 주다: 2016-07-25 08:45:32
948명이 탐색했습니다.


  1. function syntax_highlight($code){
  2. // this matches --> "foobar" <--
  3. $code = preg_replace(
  4. '/"(.*?)"/U',
  5. '""', $code
  6. );
  7. // hightlight functions and other structures like --> function foobar() <---
  8. $code = preg_replace(
  9. '/(s)b(.*?)((b|s)()/U',
  10. '',
  11. $code
  12. );
  13. // Match comments (like /* */):
  14. $code = preg_replace(
  15. '/(//)(. )s/',
  16. '
  17. $code
  18. );
  19. $code = preg_replace(
  20. '/(/*.*?*/)/s',
  21. '
  • $code
  • );
  • // hightlight braces:
  • $code = preg_replace('/((|[|{|}|]|)|->)/', '', $code);
  • // hightlight variables $foobar
  • $code = preg_replace(
  • '/($[a-zA-Z0-9_] )/', '', $code
  • );
  • /* The b in the pattern indicates a word boundary, so only the distinct
  • ** word "web" is matched, and not a word partial like "webbing" or "cobweb"
  • */
  • // special words and functions
  • $code = preg_replace(
  • '/b(print|echo|new|function)b/',
  • '', $code
  • );
  • return $code;
  • }
  • /*example-start*/
  • /*
  • ** Create some example PHP code:
  • */
  • $example_php_code = '
  • // some code comment:
  • $example = "foobar";
  • print $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
  • $array = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  • function example_function($str) {
  • // reverse string
  • echo strrev($obj);
  • }
  • print example_function("foo");
  • /*
  • ** A multiple line comment
  • */
  • print "Something: " . $example;';
  • // output the formatted code:
  • print '
    <li>print syntax_highlight($example_php_code);</li>
    <li>print '
  • /*example-end*/
  • 复制代码


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