
풀어 주다: 2016-07-21 15:23:57
880명이 탐색했습니다.

复制代码 代码如下:

class mysql
private $db; // datebase connect
private $result; // mysql result
static private $mysql; // mysql object
private function __construct()
{ // The work before Create an object
$this->db = mysql_connect('localhost','root','');
mysql_select_db('hello', $this->db );
public static function getObject()
{ //if have a object,return that object,Not create
if(! self::$mysql instanceof self)
self::$mysql = new self;
return self::$mysql;
public function query($sql)
$this->result = mysql_query($sql, $this->db);
return $this->result;
public function fetch()
if( isset($this->result ) )
return mysql_fetch_assoc( $this->result );
public function error()
return 'error:'.mysql_error();
public function num() // for sql select result
return mysql_num_rows( $this->result );
public function close()
{ // return true or false
return mysql_close( $this->db );


www.bkjia.comtrue复制代码 代码如下: class mysql { private $db; // datebase connect private $result; // mysql result static private $mysql; // mysql object private function __construct() { /...
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