<!-- body { font-size:14px; font-family: verdana; } input { font-size:12px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } table {border: 2px solid #6E6560;} td { height:19px; width:20px; font-family: Arial Black; text-align: center; padding-top:3px; font-size: 12px; cursor:default; border-left: 2px solid #D5D3D0; border-top: 2px solid #D5D3D0; border-right: 2px solid #6E6560; border-bottom: 2px solid #6E6560; } .up { border-right: 2px solid #F6F3F0; border-bottom: 2px solid #F6F3F0; background:#F6F3F0; } --> body { font-size:14px; font-family: verdana; } input { font-size:12px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } table {border: 2px solid #6E6560;} td { height:19px; width:20px; font-family: Arial Black; text-align: center; padding-top:3px; font-size: 12px; cursor:default; border-left: 2px solid #D5D3D0; border-top: 2px solid #D5D3D0; border-right: 2px solid #6E6560; border-bottom: 2px solid #6E6560; } .up { border-right: 2px solid #F6F3F0; border-bottom: 2px solid #F6F3F0; background:#F6F3F0; } 행: 칼럼: 광산 번호: 경과 시간: [Ctrl A 모두 선택 참고: 외부 J를 도입해야 하는 경우 실행하려면 새로 고쳐야 합니다 ]<!-- function StringBuffer() { this._strings = new Array(); } StringBuffer.prototype.append = function(str) { this._strings.push(str); } StringBuffer.prototype.toString = function() { return this._strings.join(""); } var rownum; //row number var colnum; //column number var minenum; //mine number var totalCellNum; // total number of cell var elapseTime; //elapse time for mine sweeping var statedNum; // swept cell number var elapseSpan; // for display elapse time var tick; // timer for mine sweeping //generating mine area function init() { rownum = parseInt(document.mineform.rownum.value); colnum = parseInt(document.mineform.colnum.value); minenum = parseInt(document.mineform.minenum.value); totalCellNum = rownum * colnum; var buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border='1'>"); for (var i = 0; i < rownum; i++) { buffer.append("<tr>"); for(var j = 0; j < colnum; j++) buffer.append("<td bgcolor='#AAA898' id=\"" + i + "_" + j+"\" name='cell' /> "); buffer.append(""); } buffer.append(""); var workarea = document.getElementById("workarea"); workarea.innerHTML = buffer.toString(); mine(); // lay mines at the work area startTick(); // starting time } // periodically update the elapsed time function displayelapsedTime() { elapseSpan.innerHTML = elapseTime++; if (elapseTime > 999) stopTick(); } // start up the timer for sweeping mine function startTick() { if (tick) stopTick(); elapseTime = 0; statedNum = 0; elapseSpan = document.getElementById("elapse"); document.getElementById("message").innerHTML = ""; tick = setInterval(displayelapsedTime, 1000); // start tick } // stop the timer function stopTick() { clearInterval(tick); tick = null; } // lay mines at the work area function mine() { var arr = new Array(totalCellNum); for(var i = 0; i < totalCellNum; i++) arr[i] = i; for(var i = 0; i < minenum; i++) { var suffix = Math.floor(arr.length * Math.random()); var rnd = arr[suffix]; var row = Math.floor(rnd / colnum); var col = rnd % colnum; var cell = document.getElementById(row + "_" + col); cell.mine = "●"; arr.splice(suffix, 1); } calcMineForAll(); } // calculating mine number for each cell function calcMineForAll() { for(var i = 0; i < rownum; i++) { for(var j = 0; j < colnum; j++) { calcMine(i, j); } } } // calculating mine number for given cell function calcMine(row, col) { var cell = document.getElementById(row + "_" + col); var nums = 0; if(row > 0) { if(col > 0) { if(document.getElementById((row - 1) + "_" + (col - 1)).mine) //top left nums++; } if(col < colnum - 1) { if(document.getElementById((row - 1) + "_" + (col + 1)).mine) //top right nums++; } if(document.getElementById((row - 1) + "_" + col).mine) // top nums++; } if(row < rownum - 1) { if(col > 0) { if(document.getElementById((row + 1) + "_" + (col - 1)).mine) //bottom left nums++; } if(col < colnum - 1) { if(document.getElementById((row + 1) + "_" + (col + 1)).mine) //bottom right nums++; } if(document.getElementById((row + 1) + "_" + col).mine) // bottom nums++; } if(col > 0) if(document.getElementById(row + "_" + (col - 1)).mine) //left nums++; if(col < colnum - 1) if(document.getElementById(row + "_" + (col + 1)).mine) //right nums++; //if(typeof(cell.mine) == "undefined") cell.nums = nums; } // count number of marked cell around given coordinate function countMarkNum(row, col) { var nums = 0; if(row > 0) { if(col > 0) { if(document.getElementById((row - 1) + "_" + (col - 1)).state == "mark") //top left nums++; } if(col < colnum - 1) { if(document.getElementById((row - 1) + "_" + (col + 1)).state == "mark") //top right nums++; } if(document.getElementById((row - 1) + "_" + col).state == "mark") // top nums++; } if(row < rownum -1) { if(col > 0) { if(document.getElementById((row + 1) + "_" + (col - 1)).state == "mark") //bottom left nums++; } if(col < colnum - 1) { if(document.getElementById((row + 1) + "_" + (col + 1)).state == "mark") //bottom right nums++; } if(document.getElementById((row + 1) + "_" + col).state == "mark") // bottom nums++; } if(col > 0) if(document.getElementById(row + "_" + (col - 1)).state == "mark") //left nums++; if(col < colnum - 1) if(document.getElementById(row + "_" + (col + 1)).state == "mark") //right nums++; return nums; } // click the cell function clickMe(cell) { if(typeof(cell.state) == "undefined") { if (cell.mine == "●") { // if incaution touch the mine, game immediate over gameover(cell); return; } if (cell.nums > 0) { cell.state = "up"; statedNum++; cell.className = "up"; cell.innerHTML = getColoredNum(cell.nums); } else { var a = cell.id.split("_"); var row = parseInt(a[0]); var col = parseInt(a[1]); disclose(row, col); } isWin(); } } // touch the mine, game over function gameover(element) { for(var i = 0; i < rownum; i++) { for(var j = 0; j < colnum; j++) { var cell = document.getElementById(i + "_" + j); if (cell.state == "up") continue; if (cell.mine) { if (typeof(cell.state) == "undefined") { cell.innerHTML = "●"; cell.style.cssText = "font-family:宋体"; } } } } element.state = "up"; element.innerHTML = "●"; element.style.cssText = "color:#AA0000;font-family:宋体;font-size:14px"; stopTick(); document.getElementById("message").innerHTML = "<font color='#DD0000'>Sorry, you lost the game!"; } // get colored number, difference number will be colored difference color function getColoredNum(nums) { var color; switch(nums) { case 1: color = "#0000EE"; break; case 2: color = "#00AA00"; break; case 3: color = "#990000"; break; case 4: color = "#FF0000"; break; case 5: color = "#550000"; break; case 6: color = "#550055"; break; case 7: color = "#223366"; break; default: color = "#000000"; } return "<font color=" + color + ">" + nums + ""; } function disclose(row, col) { var cell = document.getElementById(row + "_" + col); if(cell && typeof(cell.mine) == "undefined" && typeof(cell.state) == "undefined") { cell.state = "up"; cell.className = "up"; statedNum++; if (cell.nums == 0) { if(row > 0) { disclose(row - 1, col); if(col > 0) // top left disclose(row - 1, col - 1); if(col < colnum -1) // top right disclose(row - 1, col + 1); } if(row < rownum - 1) { disclose(row + 1, col); if(col > 0) // bottom left disclose(row + 1, col - 1); if(col < colnum -1) // bottom right disclose(row + 1, col + 1); } if(col > 0) disclose(row, col - 1); // left if(col < colnum -1) disclose(row, col + 1); // right } else { cell.innerHTML = getColoredNum(cell.nums); } } } // mark or unmark a cell function markMe(cell) { if (cell.state == "mark") { cell.innerHTML = " "; cell.state = undefined; statedNum--; } else if (typeof(cell.state) == "undefined") { cell.innerHTML = "F"; cell.state = "mark"; statedNum++; isWin(); } } // determine the game is win function isWin() { if (statedNum == totalCellNum) { document.getElementById("message").innerHTML = "<font color='#008800'>Congratulations, you won the game!"; stopTick(); } } // when left and right key down function doubleClick(cell) { if(typeof(cell.state) == "undefined") { clickMe(cell); return; } var a = cell.id.split("_"); var row = parseInt(a[0]); var col = parseInt(a[1]); if (cell.innerHTML.indexOf(">" + countMarkNum(row, col) + "</") > -1) { if(row > 0) { clickMe(document.getElementById((row - 1) + "_" + col)); if(col > 0) // top left clickMe(document.getElementById((row - 1) + "_" + (col - 1))); if(col < colnum -1) // top right clickMe(document.getElementById((row - 1) + "_" + (col + 1))); } if(row < rownum - 1) { clickMe(document.getElementById((row + 1) + "_" + col)); if(col > 0) // bottom left clickMe(document.getElementById((row + 1) + "_" + (col - 1))); if(col < colnum -1) // bottom right clickMe(document.getElementById((row + 1) + "_" + (col + 1))); } if(col > 0) clickMe(document.getElementById(row + "_" + (col - 1))); // left if(col < colnum -1) clickMe(document.getElementById(row + "_" + (col + 1))); // right } } // process all mouse key down event document.onmousedown = function() { var e = event ? event : arguments[0] ; var cell = e.srcElement ? e.srcElement : e.target; if(cell.parentNode.name == "cell") cell = cell.parentNode ; if(cell.name == "cell") { if (e.button == 1) //left click clickMe(cell); else if (e.button == 2) //right click markMe(cell); else if (e.button == 3) //left and right click doubleClick(cell); } return true; } // -->