스타워즈 무법자 버려진 은신처 위치 및 보상

풀어 주다: 2024-09-11 15:34:03
1087명이 탐색했습니다.

Star Wars Outlaws is a very busy game teeming with tons of areas to explore. From an abandoned mine to an overgrown vault, you’re sure to find some sort of item or location wherever you turn. However, what if the area you’re looking for is nowhere to be found? Let’s take on some bounties and look at our Star Wars Outlaws abandoned hideout location and rewards.

Where to find Abandoned Hideout intel in Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws Abandoned Hideout location and rewards

Before you can find certain items or locations in Star Wars Outlaws, you need to do a bit of sleuthing andcollect intel. You find intel in a variety of ways, but for the abandoned hideout, we are looking for a datapad.

The abandoned hideout intel ison Tatooine, around the South Junndland Wastesin a landmark called Daroona House. Be aware that this is Crimson Dawn territory, so make sure your reputation is in good standing, or you must be sneaky to get the data.

Star Wars Outlaws Abandoned Hideout location and rewards

You need tosneak into the room with the red dooron the fact of the main building, where you find some Transparisteel, a chest with a lock you need to override, a small crate, and a datapad with the abandoned hideout intel.

Where to find Abandoned Hideout in Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws Abandoned Hideout location and rewards

This is unfortunately where we start to encounter some issues with this quest. Upon reading the datapad,you learn of a hideout to the west of your current locationinside the Daroona House.

It seems that no matter where you go west of the Daroona House into the North Jundland Wastes, there is currentlyno way to find and claim the rewardsfor the Abandoned Hideoutdue to a bug. Players took to Reddit to discuss the ordeal, and it sounds like this isn’t the only location to have a bit of wonky coordinates.

According to the post,the Smuggler’s Camp is the other location on Tatooine experiencing the same issuesthat are plaguing players’ progress, along with Nix Treasure Trader and Akiva’s Hidden Riches also succumbing to bugs.

Thankfully it seems thatUbisoft support is aware of the issuesand players hope to see some fixes hitting the game soon. Keep an eye out for updates to the game and eventual updates to the article on the final location and rewards for the Abandoned Hideout. At least we can kill some time betting on Fathier races until a patch comes around.

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