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비트코인 해시율이 새로운 최고치를 기록하고 채굴자들은 부담을 느낍니다

풀어 주다: 2024-09-08 00:19:12
1144명이 탐색했습니다.

비트코인 네트워크는 9월 초 해시율이 초당 742 엑사해시(EH/s)라는 전례 없는 최고치를 기록하며 새로운 이정표를 달성했습니다.

비트코인 해시율이 새로운 최고치를 기록하고 채굴자들은 부담을 느낍니다

비트코인의 해시율은 9월 초에 초당 742 엑사해시(EH/s)라는 새로운 최고치를 기록하여 네트워크 보안과 거래 검증에 전념하는 엄청난 컴퓨팅 능력을 부각시켰습니다. 그러나 이 기록적인 해시레이트는 채굴자에게 심각한 과제를 안겨주기도 합니다.

Network hashrate, a measure of the total computational power used by miners to process Bitcoin transactions and maintain the network's security, reached a new all-time high. A higher hashrate generally indicates that more computational resources are being used, which enhances the security of the Bitcoin network by making it more resistant to attacks.

However, an increase in hashrate also means that mining Bitcoin has become more difficult and expensive. This is because, with more computational power in play, finding new blocks and earning mining rewards becomes more challenging.

To put this into perspective, the mining difficulty, which defines how hard it is to solve the cryptographic puzzles needed to mine new Bitcoin blocks, remained close to its all-time high of 90 quintillion during this period. This elevated difficulty meant that miners needed more computational power to achieve the same results, ultimately driving up the average cost of mining Bitcoin.

As of September 3, 2024, the cost to mine a single Bitcoin was estimated at $71,500. This is significantly higher than the average market price of Bitcoin on the same day, which was around $57,400. The difference of over $14,000 between the mining cost and the market price puts substantial pressure on miners, especially considering their profit margins.

The increased cost of mining Bitcoin had a noticeable impact on miners' revenue. In late August, the daily revenue generated by Bitcoin miners was over $36 million. However, by early September, this figure had dropped to approximately $26 million. This decline in revenue, combined with the rising cost of mining, forced many miners to make difficult decisions to manage their finances.

One of the primary responses from miners was to sell off their Bitcoin holdings to cover their increased operational costs. According to data from CryptoQuant, the total amount of Bitcoin held by miners, known as the Miner Reserve, decreased from 1.817 million BTC to 1.814 million BTC in recent days. This represents a significant reduction in miners' Bitcoin reserves, highlighting their need to liquidate assets to remain financially stable.

The sale of Bitcoin by miners can have a considerable effect on the cryptocurrency's market price. The recent trend of miners offloading their Bitcoin holdings introduced additional selling pressure into the market. As miners sell their BTC to cover costs, it can contribute to downward pressure on Bitcoin's price.

At the time of writing, Bitcoin is trading at approximately $57,900. The sustained sell-off by miners could potentially lead to further declines in Bitcoin's price if the trend continues. Therefore, it is essential for investors and market analysts to closely monitor both miner activities and broader market conditions.

The Bitcoin market is known for its volatility and ability to react quickly to changes in mining economics. Historically, Bitcoin prices have often adjusted to align more closely with production costs over the long term. While the current gap between mining costs and Bitcoin's market price is significant, it is possible that Bitcoin's price could eventually rise to better align with mining expenses.

In the short term, however, the record-high hashrate and mining difficulty may continue to exert financial pressure on miners. This could lead to additional sell-offs or adjustments in mining strategies as the industry adapts to the evolving economic landscape.

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